Xfinity Cable provider authentication failed

Not so sure i want to keep trying that, triggering a scan multiple times might cause has in the past.

The URL to just get favs for .m3u is this:


So...replace ?all=true with ?filter=favorites maybe? in the curl command

that is assuming you can pass arguments to their scan function

So. i ran

curl -XPOST

and that still did a full scan. 213 channels.

Hey, No Pain, No Gain. You're the pioneer.
I've learned there comes a time of diminishing returns on the curve.
You have to decide if it's worth the extra effort for it.

not at all....that would go to @Edwin_Perez they the one that posted all about this and does this. I just discovered this today.

Going to close this topic as Solved as it was a temporary timeout issue with Xfinity auth.
If you want to continue the conversation just create a new topic. You can always link to posts in this one.
And don't forget that TVE is still BETA and Local Networks is still EXPERIMENTAL.