Xfinity TVE Authorization Failing - Mac mini

Hi there,

I'm experiencing a login error as I try to authenticate through Xfinity. I've been running smoothly for roughly a year, but have recently been unable to login. The logs show repeated lines like this:

2024/08/06 20:53:49.399802 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 393 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:49.472703 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 1097 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:50.079508 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 1225 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:50.230410 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 1183 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:50.281101 [TVE] action=error_response type=Stylesheet error=net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB url= ip=23.61....
2024/08/06 20:53:50.282159 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 603 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:50.282183 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 602 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:50.282773 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 602 of 'cookiePart...'
2024/08/06 20:53:50.296663 ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 603 of 'cookiePart...'

Upon failure, I see the following image:

Please note that I have 2FA disabled and have been running smoothly for quite some time. Any thoughts? I saw a similar thread posted recently about Xfinity auth failures--not sure if it's related but there does appear to be some recurring login issues with Xfinity. Appreciate your help!

Are you running the latest DVR pre-release version?
If you use TVE with Channels, you should.
The error could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset was supposedly fixed in a recent pre-release update.

I quit using Xfinity TVE because they're forcing my secondary viewer only accounts to use non comcast email and a cell phone# for recovery before you can login at live network sites.

FYI - Same error here

Thanks for sharing; I just updated to the pre-release version and attempted to authenticate again, but was still locked out. You were correct that it did appear to fix the unmarshal event. Now my logs look like this:

2024/08/06 22:01:27.257633 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2024/08/06 22:01:27.803190 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=24s
2024/08/06 22:01:27.803208 [TVE] action=fill_form u={ my_username }
2024/08/06 22:01:27.807845 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="xfinityLogin: cookie"
2024/08/06 22:01:28.829326 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="xfinityLogin: wait"
2024/08/06 22:01:28.829457 [TVE] action=retry_form
2024/08/06 22:01:29.050694 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2024/08/06 22:01:30.126863 [TVE] action=error_response type=Stylesheet error=net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB url= ip=23.61....
2024/08/06 22:01:35.211437 [TVE] action=page_ready
2024/08/06 22:01:35.211619 [TVE] action=check_result
2024/08/06 22:01:35.215733 [TVE] action=retry_form step=auth_form count=1
2024/08/06 22:01:36.106599 [TVE] action=fill_form u={ my_username }
2024/08/06 22:01:36.106603 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=24s
2024/08/06 22:01:36.107661 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="xfinityLogin: wait"
2024/08/06 22:01:36.107685 [TVE] action=retry_form
2024/08/06 22:01:36.294581 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2024/08/06 22:01:37.282367 [TVE] action=error_response type=Stylesheet error=net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB url= ip=23.61...
2024/08/06 22:01:42.362711 [TVE] action=page_ready
2024/08/06 22:01:42.362885 [TVE] action=check_result
2024/08/06 22:01:42.365288 [TVE] action=retry_form step=auth_form count=2
2024/08/06 22:01:42.967797 [TVE] action=fill_form u={my_username}
2024/08/06 22:01:42.967782 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=24s
2024/08/06 22:01:42.971725 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="xfinityLogin: wait"
2024/08/06 22:01:42.972028 [TVE] action=retry_form

I do use a viewer-only account. That being said, if I go to incognito, I'm able to manually login and stream live TV on this viewer-only account without a problem. I'm wondering if this isn't related to the account, but is actually related to the automation? Perhaps they're blocking a user agent?

I'm no expert, so my speculation probably isn't particularly helpful, but I'm open to ideas!

Do you see all green checkmarks when running Support > Troubleshooting?
You would have to submit DVR diagnostics and post the results here or email support.

I do--all green checkmarks. I just re-ran the tests (resource intensive) and submitted the logs. I'll email support and link this thread. I'll report back if I hear anything!

Looks now to maybe the same issue that I have been having...

I had the same parse errors, updated pre-release, that fixed that, but still had no luck with Xfinity TVE, on my Windows based CDVR server. (Linux one still working fine, but it is using a older Chrome version and OS, though, not sure if that matters or not)

Last the devs replied about things being at this state, was this.:

Interesting... seems similar, but I do notice one difference that could be relevant: my error message is

type=Stylesheet error=net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB

Still no news, but will update as I learn more. Also very open to ideas or thoughts from the community!

That exact line is in my logs, so, not sure what you are saying there is a difference there. That line is in both our logs.

^This was what I was talking about

Updating for those following.

I sent in my logs to channels support and never heard back. Two solid thumbs down.

Frustrated, I tried re-authenticating with Xfinity a few days ago and it magically worked. No changes were made on my end after posting this thread.

I wish I had better info for others facing a similar problem. I’m not sure if the channels devs quietly fixed something on the back end or if Xfinity changed something on their end, but the issue is now resolved for me.