Xfinity TVE failing login - cookie pop up blocking credentials

Xfinity TVE failing login - it says wrong password but I don't see a failed log in attempt. I think it's failing because it's not accepting the cookies.

Are you on latest prerelease? ... you should be.

Update to the latest prerelease and that problem should disappear

I had this problem a few days ago and updated and it all worked. Today I'm getting this error:

parse error: expected string near offset 9661 of 'partitionKey'

I looked to see if there was another pre-release update and there was. I updated and it is still giving the same error. I was just wondering if anyone else is having the same error.

I'm on 2024.07.21.0022

Xfinty failing for me to.. but i seem to get
Failed to start stream for ch6120: TVE: Cable provider authentication failed
I am on 2024.07.21.0022

Yeah that was my error to start too.

I am getting the expected string error as well

6120 Disney is working for me ... did you try a rescan ?

2024/07/26 09:38:03.707128 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6120 DISNEY
2024/07/26 09:38:03.719992 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6120 DISNEY: buf=0% drop=0%
2024/07/26 09:38:03.719992 [SNR] Streaming statistics for ch6120 DISNEY: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0

I logged into Xfinity fine on say the Nat geo live website... no see any pop up for cookies or anything during login.

THough, now i see this in Channels logs

ERROR: could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset 549 of 'cookiePart...'

and the number after offset changes, and there is a lot of those errors

So, Xfinity TVE still working fine on my other server, that is Linux based.
But not working on my main server, which is Win 11

Every morning on my TVE I delete Chromedata and do a full scan ... on windows.... then OliveTin texts me of any dropped channels. Which I rather have them dropped by the scan than have recordings fail.... usually all channels reauthorize.

RMDIR /S /Q "C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\data\chromedata"
curl -XPOST

Interesting I am having the string error on FIOS

I saw another post that had it from Direct TV 2 days ago.

I am getting this error when trying to log into Xfinity TVE on both a Win 11 machine and a Linux Mint machine at the moment. I'm also on the pre-release.

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I Did a rescan and most of my channels on FIOS have disappeared

Maybe you should post your error in the FIOS TVE Thread. where other FIOS users will see it.

Will Do...seems that this is all connected.

I would run the Channels DVR Trouble Shooter might be a dns problem possibly.

All green!

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