YoutubeTV Authentication Failure

I have been searching through the forums but haven't found a solution.
I have YTTV and had it authenticated in August (which I guess after reading several posts, is somewhat of a small miracle). I don't remember it being all that difficult either. I switched channels to a new server and Google now wants to reauthenticate. I have 2FA and passkeys off but when I authenticate Google sends a notification to my phone asking me to select a number out of three to prove that it is me logging in (somewhat of a 2FA challenge but again I have it off). Channels obviously doesn't show the number I am supposed to press so I guess. Sometimes I get it right, but then immediately get another challenge and I have never gotten two right in a row. Eventually, my Google account locks Channels out for a few hours before I can try again. The frustrating part is that if I don't answer the challenge right away, eventually Channels will timeout and then show me a screenshot of the number I am supposed to push (a screenshot of the authentication page from Google). I am not sure what to do to get around this. Obviously all of this is Google's fault but can anyone think of a workaround?

I feel like I've been fortunate to not have had any issues yet authenticating YTTV with Channels DVR yet, but I have noticed recently that google is doing the 2FA type authentication when logging in to my google account from a "new device".

I wonder if it would make any difference if you first logged in to YTTV from a browser on the new server so that you can see the number. Then try to authenticate in Channels DVR after the new server is no longer a "new device" for google.

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Create a new gmail address and then add it as a family sub account. Then use that to authenticate tve with channels. Family accounts do not use 2fa.

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Nothing to do with Channels, but about a month ago Google decided to make me go through the authentication crap over and over for 2 solid days over several devices. I do use 2FA, and there were no issues or wrong responses by me, but they still annoyed me relentlessly with the "select a number out of three" thing you mentioned.

I think Google is so automated, stuff like this happens and the only suffering is by the customer. Google could give a damn.


@nschaffner I have tried that already but the challenges still persist. Not sure if there is a delay maybe.

I will try to create a new account when I get home and try that. I have seen this suggestion but I assumed it was a workaround for keeping 2FA on your main account and having a throw away account that is less secure but only used for Channels.

Creating a new account solved this. My theory is that because it was a brand new account, it had no other devices to authenticate with. Google is a black box.

Thanks @slampman

So, I had to create a new account for YTTV to make TVE work. I’m using ADBTuner with hdmi encoders and two Onn boxes. The setup seems to be working great, and I don’t have to make any frequent adjustments to the settings.