YouTube TV: Cable provider authentication failed

I am sorry I wasn't clearer - Channel's support said it's a YTTV change..

Which devices are now supported using YTTV credentials? It’s dead in the water on Fire TV Cube and iPhone.

Didn't know Channels DVR supported a DVR install on those devices?

What does that have to do with TVE Authentication ?


Channels DVR server is the only thing that can authenticate TVE YTTV the ones you mention are Clients.

Originally it was everything but an Nvidia Shield (for YTTV) and ARM based NAS's (any Provider) that would work with TVE.

"ARM based NAS devices are not supported."

Since then users have reported using a Nvidia Shield as a server for YTTV and it working.
Now supposedly the RPi doesn't work for YTTV.

And that’s where I am with my RPi4. Dead in the water.

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If you're stuck with YTTV and an RPi, sounds like it. Blame YTTV, not Channels.
Myself, I would still use Channels if TVE went away, but to each his own.


Blame YTTV

And drop them. That’s what is great about channels, provider doesn’t matter. Add a new one, delete the old. It’s so seemless, switch to Hulu or fubo or any other and be up in less than 10 min. I had issues with Spectrum TVE they didn’t want to fix (not in package, umm yes it is!!) so I kicked them and Hulu has been great since. I have no loyalty to these companies because they have no loyalty to me. If Hulu starts to mess with tve, I’m out and off to someone else.

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Add to that you can move your Channels DVR to another server.


I setup a friend using RPi and Channels. He uses YTTV and has reported some issues with FS1 and NFL Network. Am I reading this thread correctly that YTTV + RPi for Channels is a sinking ship and he either needs to migrate to a new platform or switch TVE source? I use Hulu and Synology platform so can't replicate his issues.

No, I just signed up for YTTV and had no issues getting signed in and set up.

On a RPi?

Guess I read that wrong. Nope, on Unraid...

I am now dead in the water and cannot use YTTV with channels anymore. Can we get some changes in the app and how it authenticates so that this will work again?

Can you provide specifics. What version of CHannels you are on, what is your platform, what you have done to troubleshoot it, submit logs.etc...


Mac OSX 13.5.1
Mac Mini M2

I have tried making sure my chrome is updated, turned off MFA on my google account. Invited another account that I use to the family and tried it. I get a variety of CAPTCHA which is never entered or the generic "browser of app may not be secure" error.

Have we figured out a way around this yet? It would be nice if we could interact with the login so we could put in the CAPTCHA...etc...

Logs are e8140c62-bffe-404f-b103-27b0e09d20fe

May not fix it, but the devs will ask you to do it anyway.
Try after updating to the latest pre release Pre-Release access for DVR subscribers version of Channels DVR.

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That worked. I am scanning now. Had to answer some notifications saying the logons were me and I am in. Thanks!