2.1.15 Issues on new Fire TV Cube

Anybody else having issues on the new Fire TV Cube where tuning to a channel will just hang and never load any video? I've noticed it 2 days in a row now, seems to impact most channels. The odd thing is I can click back to go back to the guide, load the next channel up or down, it will load and then I can use the quick guide to go to the channel I wanted to watch.

I submitted diagnostics this morning, so the folks at Channels should have them.

Any difference if you change Surround Sound to Off, or change Decoder to Software?

While I haven’t changed the decoder to software yet turning off surround sound has apperently fixed this issue. I’ll test more but so far so good. Any idea why surround sound would do that?

I take that back just did it again. I uploaded diagnostics again will switch to software decoder that’s on the server right?

No the decoder setting is in the app. It might not be enabled in the current build if you're not seeing it.

I can’t find it anywhere so it may not be enabled.

No software but there is Deinterlacing that is new.

That's not supposed to show up. It's only for older models.

I'm uploading 2.1.16 to Amazon right now.

So far in 2.1.17 and software decoding I haven’t been able to recreate the issue.