3 Most Recently Connected Servers missing?

I'm running Channels 4.6.6 (non beta) and the beta version on several Fire TV sticks. Sometimes the Fire TV sticks lose the server, so they show the "Welcome to Channels DVR" screen on startup where I choose "Connect to Channels DVR". When I select "At Home", according to the current release history, I'm supposed to see a list of the three most recently connected servers. But I don't see that; I have to type in the IP address which is tedious.

Is this feature not available on Fire TV sticks, or is whatever is causing my devices to forget the server causing them to also forget the most recent connection(s)?

I'll add that this happens most often with the beta client (we run both), and I don't know if the beta client supports this feature, but the non-beta version has lost the connection from time to time as well.