A few uses for Advanced Passes

Didn't work for me, but you can do this

What's missing besides the artwork, and where would that fit?

Here's the rest of the (possibly interesting) metadata I could find that ChannelsDVR gets

Categories: Episode,Series
EpisodeNumber: 1
EpisodeTitle: The Grid Car
Genres: Adventure,Fantasy,Science fiction,Animated,Children
longDescription: Tulip, a headstrong 13-year-old girl, finds a mysterious train where every car contains its own universe.
origAirDate: 2019-08-05
ProgramID: EP032730670001
ratings: USA Parental Rating,TVPG
releaseDate: 2019-08-05
releaseYear: 2019
SeasonNumber: 1
SeriesID: 17156671
shortDescription: Headstrong 13-year-old Tulip finds a mysterious train where every car contains its own universe.
Summary: Headstrong 13-year-old Tulip finds a mysterious train where every car contains its own universe.
Tags: CC,HD 1080i,HDTV,New,Series Premiere,Stereo
Title: Infinity Train
titleLang: en
tmsId: EP032730670001
topCast: Ashley Johnson,Ernie Hudson,Jeremy Crutchley

Note that not all of this is searchable or displayed.

I believe, as we see with DisneyFanatic4's question, it would make it much easier to see the 'trigger' data to understand how to better refine the our pass criteria.

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As β€œALL” of the different possible elements for each condition is a very long list and/or
Development time may be substantial:

Possibly the devs (@tmm1, @maddox) could at least post same in this thread to utilize as a reference.