Didn't work for me, but you can do this
What's missing besides the artwork, and where would that fit?
Here's the rest of the (possibly interesting) metadata I could find that ChannelsDVR gets
Categories: Episode,Series
EpisodeNumber: 1
EpisodeTitle: The Grid Car
Genres: Adventure,Fantasy,Science fiction,Animated,Children
longDescription: Tulip, a headstrong 13-year-old girl, finds a mysterious train where every car contains its own universe.
origAirDate: 2019-08-05
ProgramID: EP032730670001
ratings: USA Parental Rating,TVPG
releaseDate: 2019-08-05
releaseYear: 2019
SeasonNumber: 1
SeriesID: 17156671
shortDescription: Headstrong 13-year-old Tulip finds a mysterious train where every car contains its own universe.
Summary: Headstrong 13-year-old Tulip finds a mysterious train where every car contains its own universe.
Tags: CC,HD 1080i,HDTV,New,Series Premiere,Stereo
Title: Infinity Train
titleLang: en
tmsId: EP032730670001
topCast: Ashley Johnson,Ernie Hudson,Jeremy Crutchley
Note that not all of this is searchable or displayed.
I believe, as we see with DisneyFanatic4's question, it would make it much easier to see the 'trigger' data to understand how to better refine the our pass criteria.
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