If I create a season pass for an award show, will it record future years?

Or is every year treated as an individual special. Unfortunately, without having old recordings or a guide that goes past a year, I can't tell how it's going to operate.

Will I need to set up a recording every single year, or will a season pass work?

Like for the Golden Globes, Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, etc.

In my experience, it doesn’t. They’re not a single series.

Your best bet is to use an advanced pass for these.

I decided to test what this might look like, and came up with:

And that matched:


So, assuming all those other awards shows use the same Genres value, then this should get you all of them, maybe even more? Without the Tags of "New", I got a lot of American Kennel Club and other random stuff!

This will get you a LOT of awards shows in the next few months.

Interesting. I was not aware of advanced passes. I'll have to look into that.

I agree with @maddox, an advanced pass will take care of this.

I love advanced passes, you can really cherry pick exactly what you want to record without knowing when or where that will air.

@Andy_Gilleand, this is not exactly what you're asking, but here is a thread to give you some inspiration:

How do I figure out what genre/categories are attached to a show? I don't see where to find that information.

It is not easy it should be when you click on an Entry in the web guide, but it is not ... of the top of my head I cannot find it.

Lots of Empty space but missing valuable info like Genre ...

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We’re going to expose this better soon.


Thank you that will be helpful :slight_smile:

Would love to see that A few uses for Advanced Passes - #30 by RJ_Make

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