ABC Not Working

I still get the same error too with my DirecTV credentials. Please contact their support team to complain like I did. Maybe the more people complain, the quicker they will fix it.

I will try to get an update either later tonight or tomorrow.

Whst i dont underdtand is what the ettor is?

I just chatted with their support team again and this is the latest update:

At least, they do acknowledge that the problem is on their side so there is hope for a fix soon.

Ok so we wait.... they keep increasing thier re transmission fees but this takes them awhile.

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FWIW, Boston market is working fine for me, so even that "east coast" comment from above doesn't seem to be exactly true.

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Is anyone still having an issue with ABC? I still cannot receive ABC in NY. I'm using my Hulu Live subscription for TVE and receiving the following error msg when I rescan for my available stations: "abcgo: 1039:This station's live stream is not available through your TV Provider." What's really odd is that I can successfully receive ABC in NY via TVE using an Xfinity subscription.

Can you authenticate and watch at the networks live website using your Hulu Live credentials?

Interesting, I cannot watch ABC live from I logged into with my Hulu Live credentials and I'm receiving the same error msg when I try to watch ABC live. "1039: This station's live stream is not available through your TV Provider". However, if I go to the Hulu app or I can then watch ABC live.

Yep. Those aren't TVE. Could be Hulu isn't paying ABC for TVE access to your local ABC station.

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They aren't the same feeds. See this to help with the understanding:


I think it's the other way around: the local station isn't paying the TVE carriage fee to Hulu.

(Hulu and ABC are both owned by Disney.)

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Thank you. I'll give it another few days to see if Hulu's local ABC access via TVE is reinstated. Otherwise it's time to drop Hulu Live TV and switch to another Live TV service.

Im still having the same issue with spectrum.

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Also having the same issue with Spectrum. I can't even view it through, so it would appear that ABC and Spectrum are feuding again.

Interestingly I am able to stream through the Spectrum LiveTV website/app with no problem...

I can donthw same, through the spectrum app but not on cdvr. I dont think this is a specttum only issue because i thought i read other people are having the same issue but they are not spectrum users.

Absolutely unrelated. Streams from a provider/app are completely different than from the website (which is what Channels uses).

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Good news! I submitted a ticket to ABC regarding the issue with Hulu Live TV's subscription not working with The issue has now been fixed!


I just noticed that a recording on WABC was successful earlier this morning so I can also confirm that it's fixed. :slight_smile:

Broken again for me (WABC and WTNH). Just submitted a tech support request.

-- Edit: correction, WABC is working fine, it's just WTNH. It could just be something between DirecTV and ABC.

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