Wondering if Channels has any way to 'force' the highest quality stream available. For example, when I look at the playlist file being provided from a streaming site (we'll use CNN in this case) they provide several different streams based on bandwidth. Most of the time it will start with a lower bandwidth stream and work it's way up but not always.
It would be great if Channels could force the highest one (for CNN it is VIDEO_0_xxx.m3u others it is profile_0 or a letter) so that it always pulls the highest quality available rather than allowing it to 'auto detect' the bandwidth / resolution. There are a few channels I have manually mapped and created a custom m3u file directly to the 1920x1080 stream and the quality difference is quite noticable.
Specifically in the manifest file it outlines the bandwidth and resolution of each stream. It would be nice to match on the ones that contain "RESOLUTION=1920x1080" or whatever the highest provided is and leverage that stream.