ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

No. That's for apps that don't reliably work with deeplinks with the app open continuously. When compatibility mode is enabled, the app you're using is force-closed after each virtual tune.

ok thank you so much sir you were of a lot of help

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if its okay with you i would like to ask you one more thing, sometime while adb tuner is loading the channel the channels dvr load stops before adbtuner has finished loading the channel is there anyway to fix this?

I'd suggest posting the section of both your CDVR and Portainer logs that show what's logged when this is happening. This gives us the best chance of figuring out what's going wrong.

Be sure to use three backticks before and after any log snippets you post for best readability. Here's what it looks like when I tune to a channel (this is via ah4c, but they're similar):

CDVR log snippet:

2025/01/27 04:03:41.210588 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-FireTVDirecTV for ch505 HBO2 West HD
2025/01/27 04:03:41.210588 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 505 from
2025/01/27 04:03:42.618340 [HLS] Probed live stream in 1.407752s: h264 1920x1080 progressive 376012bps
2025/01/27 04:03:43.764977 [HLS] Session ch505-dANY-ip100.98.232.107 started in 2.5538829s
2025/01/27 04:04:42.350348 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch505-dANY-ip100.98.232.107 (out=1m2.711167s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=59)
2025/01/27 04:04:42.350853 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-FireTVDirecTV for ch505 HBO2 West HD
2025/01/27 04:04:42.353077 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch505 HBO2 West HD: buf=0% drop=0%

Portainer-Container log snippet:

Attempting network tune for device http://encoder_48007/0.ts firestick-rack1:5555 HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98 
[EXECUTE] Running [./scripts/firetv/dtvdeeplinks/ firestick-rack1:5555 HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98]
[EXECUTE] Stdout: 'already connected to firestick-rack1:5555
Starting: Intent { }
Starting on firestick-rack1:5555 is exiting for firestick-rack1:5555 with exit code 0
[EXECUTE] Stderr: '+ streamerIP=firestick-rack1:5555
+ streamerNoPort=firestick-rack1
+ adbTarget='adb -s firestick-rack1:5555'
+ mkdir -p firestick-rack1
+ trap finish EXIT
+ main

+ adbConnect
+ adb connect firestick-rack1:5555
+ local -i adbMaxRetries=2
+ local -i adbCounter=0
+ true
+ adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP
+ local adbEventSuccess=0
+ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+ break

+ packageLaunch=com.clientapp.MainActivity
++ adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell pidof
+ packagePID=
+ '[' '!' -z ']'
+ adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell am start -n
+ echo 'Starting on firestick-rack1:5555'
+ finish
+ echo ' is exiting for firestick-rack1:5555 with exit code 0'
[EXECUTE] Finished running ./scripts/firetv/dtvdeeplinks/ in 1.378687738s
[EXECUTE] Running [./scripts/firetv/dtvdeeplinks/ HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98 firestick-rack1:5555]
[IO] io.Copy: write tcp> write: broken pipe
[IOINFO] Successfully copied 15401484 bytes
[IOINFO] Transfer speed: 2.01284196257486 Mbits/second
Performing Close() for firestick-rack1:5555
[EXECUTE] Running [./scripts/firetv/dtvdeeplinks/ firestick-rack1:5555 HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98]
[EXECUTE] Stdout: 'Current PID for this script is 3791
Not a special channel (exit nor reboot)
Active audio stream not yet detected -- loudness is -70.0 LUF. Continuing...
Active audio stream not yet detected -- loudness is -70.0 LUF. Continuing...
Active audio stream not yet detected -- loudness is -70.0 LUF. Continuing...
Active audio stream detected with -17.7 LUF.
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW (has data) } is exiting for firestick-rack1:5555 with exit code 0
[EXECUTE] Stderr: '++ echo HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98
++ awk -F~ '{print $2}'
+ channelID=c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98
++ echo HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98
++ awk -F~ '{print $1}'
+ channelName=HB2wHD
+ specialID=HB2wHD
+ streamerIP=firestick-rack1:5555
+ streamerNoPort=firestick-rack1
+ adbTarget='adb -s firestick-rack1:5555'
+ packageAction=com.clientapp.MainActivity
+ [[ false == '' ]]
+ speedMode=false
+ trap finish EXIT
+ main
+ updateReferenceFiles
+ mkdir -p firestick-rack1
+ [[ -f firestick-rack1/stream_stopped ]]
+ [[ -f firestick-rack1/last_channel ]]
+ echo 3791
+ echo 'Current PID for this script is 3791'
+ matchEncoderURL
+ case "$streamerIP" in
+ encoderURL=http://encoder_48007/0.ts
+ specialChannels
+ '[' HB2wHD = exit ']'
+ '[' HB2wHD = reboot ']'
+ [[ -f firestick-rack1/adbCommunicationFail ]]
+ echo 'Not a special channel (exit nor reboot)'
+ launchDelay
+ local lastChannel
+ local lastAwake
+ local timeNow
+ local timeElapsed
+ local maxTime=14400
+ lastChannel=KSAZ
+ lastAwake=1737934203
++ date +%s
+ timeNow=1737975821
+ timeElapsed=41618
+ '[' -f firestick-rack1/adbAppRunning ']'
+ activeAudioCheck 42 true 0 1
++ date +%s
+ local startTime=1737975821
+ local maxDuration=42
+ local minimumLoudness=-50
+ local sleepBeforeAudioCheck=0
+ local sleepAfterAudioCheck=1
+ local preTuneAudioCheck=true
+ true

++ ffmpeg -t 1 -i http://encoder_48007/0.ts -filter:a ebur128 -map 0:a -f null -hide_banner -
++ awk '/I:        /{print $2}'
+ checkLoudness=-70.0
++ date +%s
+ ((  1737975827 - 1737975821 > 42  ))
++ echo '-70.0 > -50'
++ bc -l
+ ((  0  ))
+ echo 'Active audio stream not yet detected -- loudness is -70.0 LUF. Continuing...'

+ true

++ ffmpeg -t 1 -i http://encoder_48007/0.ts -filter:a ebur128 -map 0:a -f null -hide_banner -
++ awk '/I:        /{print $2}'
+ checkLoudness=-70.0
++ date +%s
+ ((  1737975832 - 1737975821 > 42  ))
++ echo '-70.0 > -50'
++ bc -l
+ ((  0  ))
+ echo 'Active audio stream not yet detected -- loudness is -70.0 LUF. Continuing...'

+ true

++ ffmpeg -t 1 -i http://encoder_48007/0.ts -filter:a ebur128 -map 0:a -f null -hide_banner -
++ awk '/I:        /{print $2}'
+ checkLoudness=-70.0
++ date +%s
+ ((  1737975838 - 1737975821 > 42  ))
++ echo '-70.0 > -50'
++ bc -l
+ ((  0  ))
+ echo 'Active audio stream not yet detected -- loudness is -70.0 LUF. Continuing...'

+ true

++ ffmpeg -t 1 -i http://encoder_48007/0.ts -filter:a ebur128 -map 0:a -f null -hide_banner -
++ awk '/I:        /{print $2}'
+ checkLoudness=-17.7
++ date +%s
+ ((  1737975845 - 1737975821 > 42  ))
++ echo '-17.7 > -50'
++ bc -l
+ ((  1  ))
+ echo 'Active audio stream detected with -17.7 LUF.'
+ break
+ echo HB2wHD
+ tuneChannel
+ adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell am start -n dtvnow://
Warning: Activity not started, intent has been delivered to currently running top-most instance.
+ echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n\nwhile true; do sleep 4h; adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell am start -n dtvnow://; done'
+ chmod +x ./firestick-rack1/
+ [[ -n 4h ]]
+ finish
+ nohup ./firestick-rack1/
+ echo ' is exiting for firestick-rack1:5555 with exit code 0'
[EXECUTE] Finished running ./scripts/firetv/dtvdeeplinks/ in 1m1.221129181s
[EXECUTE] Stdout: 'Streaming stopped for firestick-rack1:5555
Sleep initiated for firestick-rack1:5555
firestick-rack1/stream_stopped written with epoch stop time
[EXECUTE] Stderr: '+ streamerIP=firestick-rack1:5555
+ streamerNoPort=firestick-rack1
+ adbTarget='adb -s firestick-rack1:5555'
+ [[ false == '' ]]
+ speedMode=false
+ main
+ bmituneDone
+ bmitunePID=3791
++ pgrep -f firestick-rack1/
+ keepWatchingPID=3874
++ ps -o ppid= -p 3874
+ keepWatchingPPID='   3873'
++ pgrep -P 3874
+ keepWatchingCPID=3875

+ ps -p 3791
+ [[ -n 4h ]]
+ pkill -P 3873
+ kill 3875
+ rm ./firestick-rack1/

+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ stop='am force-stop'
+ adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell am force-stop

+ echo 'Streaming stopped for firestick-rack1:5555'
+ adbSleep
+ sleep='input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP'
+ adb -s firestick-rack1:5555 shell input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP
+ echo 'Sleep initiated for firestick-rack1:5555'
+ date +%s
+ echo 'firestick-rack1/stream_stopped written with epoch stop time'
[EXECUTE] Finished running ./scripts/firetv/dtvdeeplinks/ in 2.983946045s
[GIN-debug] Request: GET /play/tuner/HB2wHD~c4256331-1604-417d-9c37-6dba5513ef98, latency: 1m5.638197598s, status: 200

This is the kind of data I was talking about in your other post that you often need to provide.

Just resubscribed to Sling and fired my ADBTuner back up. Looks like Sling no longer offers FS1 on TVE so I need another HDMI encoder. I have two LinkPI single ports, but it looks like shipping time on a new one is a month. What are y'all ordering for encoders these days?

What about adding one of those inexpensive USB capture cards to the USB port on one or both of your single-port LinkPi Encoders? I know several people have done that with good results, and I believe the devices are less than $10 each.

Here's one that's reported to work: Audio Express AXHDCAP 4K HDMI Video Capture Card, Cam Link Card Game Audio Capture Adapter HDMI to USB 2.0 Record Capture Device for Streaming, Live Broadcasting, Video Conference, Teaching, Gaming : Electronics

And, a post referencing it:

The 5 port LinkPi is available on Amazon with fairly quick delivery. I have this one with some cheap ONN TV ($20 - not Pro) boxes, and have been quite happy with this setup.

I see you have compatibility enable ... I didn't and I found out that the device was still streaming but paused .. so it used up a stream ... so now that I have enabled compatibility it closes.

Thanks for all your help.

nice! glad its working out. ADBTuner is such a cool project

"The 5 port LinkPi is available on Amazon with fairly quick delivery. "

Thanks. Wish I had bought that the first time. Sling only supports 3 streams at a time, so it would probably be overkill. Would love to free up a switch port, but then is there a market for used single port LinkPis?

"about adding one of those inexpensive USB capture cards to the USB port on one or both of your single-port LinkPi Encoders?"

I had no idea. Ordered. (Thanks!)
Edit: Arrived and took about 5 minutes to setup and so far, is working great!

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Every so often when i try to play one of the channels like for example HBO, i can only hear the audio but the screen is black, does anyone know of a solution? Thanks in advanvce!

Make sure you have enable compatibility checked on ADBTUNER for your Channels if using MAX.

ok i will try

what about the guide offset? What is that for?

That is because I am on the West Coast and the HBO feed is from the east coast, so it is a 3 hour difference.

Enable Compatibility shuts down the APP after the recordings is finished ... Some APPS have problems if they are not closed after running for a long period of time. MAX is one of those APPS also XFINITY Stream that needs to be closed.

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does sling require compatibility mode?

I do not use Sling
