ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Thanks for this suggestion. On both my URayCoders, I lowered "Codec Usage" from 103% to 69% under "Status" by disabling everything except "TS URL" on the main stream, and disabling the substreams. Not sure what that means, but it can't hurt. I didn't think to check out CPU usage before/after. I did something similar on my fmuser FBE200, but I don't see anywhere to measure stats on it.


Hi there,
I received my j-tech video encoder and will be putting a second tuner. online as soon as i can find electrical space.
I have resolved my problem. Turns out my living room client was set for whatever reason to make Channels transcode on the fly.
I removed all settings and deleted the client.
I went back in my living room and put my apple tv back as a client and set it to use home streaming.
The encoder is now etup with the proper audio and bit rate and according to channels logs things are working nice.
will probably pick up a secon Onn box to get the second tuner online and if all goes right we will be done.


I seem to have a Problem ... this Command works and tunes the Channel but setting up adb tuner it does not work ..... Everything looks ok. Foor some reason the connection to android is failing ... but issuing the command it works great.

I am running docker on Windows alongside the Server.

adb -s shell am start -n

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I think you have blank space in that IP Address field. That's my bad, I should have stripped leading/trailing whitespace. I will do that next time I push an update.

There is no blank space ... I am going to revoke adb access and try to re-auth.

I think I know what my Problem might be I have my devices powered by a USB hub connected to my server and use USB debugging... I will get back to you as soon as I disconnect that Firestick from the hub and connect via powersupply.

Success have it connect by USB Debugging prevented it ..

I haven't seen anyone use the Xfinity app yet. How well does it work?
Have you tried it without compatibility mode?

XFINITY Takes a While to load because of thier XFINITY logo but it works.... Without Compatibility enable it does not close.

They allow 5 Streams so I have 1 setup going to setup the other three.

Working Like A Charm .. Thanks


How were you able to find the URL for the Xfinity stream channels? Specifically this part :(/1920/5232923399725817105/HBOHW)

I bought up XFINITY on a webbrowser Click on the channel and It Gives you the link ... the 1920 is just a placeholder where the title would be...

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@turtletank ,

One of My Firesticks went to sleep do you have a wake command anywhere in your source this is what I use to check if asleep and wake up... I set it to never sleep but sometimes after an update the settings gets back to default.

adb -s %device% shell "dumpsys power | grep =Awake" >NUL
set ret=%errorlevel%
if "%ret%" == "1" adb -s %device% shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP

Yep. When tuning ADBTuner checks if the device is awake and if not sends a wake command. If the device was asleep some extra time is also allotted for tuning.

The logs include text indicating the state of the device prior to launching a channel.

This won’t keep the device awake permanently. At the moment I think that’s best left to being configured on the device itself.

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I have personally set my device not to go to sleep.
The android just waits for ADB Tuner to send commands etc.
I'm planning to hook up a second ONN box and at least have two rouces ready t use.

Maybe someone can help me with this ...

Getting Devices in use? - Playground - Channels Community (

I just added a J-tech encoder to my setup to go with my ex-vist.
personally, the ex-vist seems to be a better pfoformer over the j-tech but I need to know what settings people are using.
I'm getting a lot of buffering.
I'm planning to use ONN streaming boxes for both tuners.
If anyone is looking to set up the configuration, get the Ex-vist HDMI encoder. it is more user-friendly, especially for a first-time setup.

I found the big culprit for me was the h264 profile used. Some clients didn’t like “high” profile, but “main” worked without buffering. I’m otherwise using these settings in both my uRaycoders:

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There is no fix for this right now in ADBTuner, but eventually there will be something in place to catch things like this and close the stream. Releasing the tuner lock won't stop the recording.

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Thanks ... looks like you are already aware of the problem ...
Good to know so the only Option I have is to release tuner lock and restart the DVR Server (to stop the Recording)

Trying to finish getting this set up. Running it on a container in Unraid, static IP, custom bridge just link most all the rest of mine. I have an iSeevy HDMI encoder with a Tivo Stream 4K plugged in, and if i use the http://x.x.x.x/0.ts in VLC I can see the TS4K streamed image (x.x.x.x being the encoder IP).

In ADBTuner I added a tuner with name, x.x.x.x and http://x.x.x.x/0.ts entries. I have green Connection established, red Android Connection Failed, and gray Available bubbles in the tuner area after adding it. USB Debugging is enabled, but I never saw any sort of authorization prompt, either.

Any idea what else I need to do?

Make sure your device is not connected via ADB to another PC.