ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

You might be overthinking it, as some quick testing with my setup and I was using deep links in the form:

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d

I got the URLs by channel from the Pluto TV webpage, and had subtitles turned on already in the Pluto app. I use FireSticks, so I had the usual one time prompt regarding whether I wanted to open the link in the Pluto TV app, or using the Silk browser. The ID was definitely channel specific, as the show was joined in progress, and the ID didn't change when the program changed.

Yeah I probably was over thinking the tuning part, because now using the website URLs I am able to switch channels. However, I am still confronted with an always present OSD element as you can see in the image below. Anyone have any ideas on how to get it to go away. I have tried firing off various ADB keycodes with no success.

I'm not seeing that on my setup. Maybe try rebooting your streaming stick? It doesn't make sense to me that they would have something like that pinned to the screen -- with no timeout.

Thanks, is there an eastern time zone one?

Actually I get it on multiple streaming sticks. For example I’m watching two ADBTuner channels right now each on a different channel on a different device. One device is a Onn and the other is a Chromecast. One is being displayed on my PC and the other on my Apple TV. Both with the OSD bubble. Very odd.

There are a number of threads that talk about how to get the StationID from getting it directly from to using scripts folks have built to extract it from ChannelsDVR. Here are a couple of threads that talk about how to get the StationIDs.


for station IDs - go to this URL on your Channels DVR Server

or maybe it's this one:

(obviously use your proper IP address)

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If the CPU I was using struggled with HDMI for channels does it likely mean a similar experience with either of the options you mentioned?

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Do you mean Chrome Capture for Channels? AndroidHDMI-for-Channels (now known as ah4c) puts no load on the proxy host it's running on.

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Have you tried the Live Channels app? It pulls in all of the Pluto channels without all of their OSD nonsense. It’s a good app, so of course they deprecated it, but it might work for your purposes

Is there a way to get the locals from YTTV using adbtuner. How are the deep links found for channels?

Hi there,
You need to log into YTTV and Choose live.
Make sure you have a listing of channels on your base plan and click on the play button with the picutre of what is playin gon a specific channel.
You will click on the station as if you are going to watch it.
The channel will start playing and you wil want to grab the URL fo ruse in ADB Tuner.
I will grab kcs in Los Angeles.

You wilneed to hit the YTTV channel lineup and grab each URL to be used in ADB Tuner.
Make sure to select the correct driver and fill out the information in the admin page as much as possible.
The Use of ADB Tuner and YTTV with the Onn 4k boxes has proven to be very solid.

Yes that’s what I meant

The HDMI (ABDTuner, HDMI-for-channels, AndroidHDMI-for-Channels ah4c) solutions put next to zero strain on the server. This is because almost all processing is done on the individual devices (Chromecast, FireTV, Onn, generic AndroidTV) and whatever encoder device(s) is being used.

Chrome Capture for Channels, though based on HDMI-for-channels, is pretty CPU intensive as all the work is being processed on the server.

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After getting this same issue with a Firestick device too I decided to do a little digging. It turns out that because I "optimized" all my devices to reduce animation scaling to 0 that was causing a known problem. Putting my animation scaling to 0.5 solved this problem.

The reddit I used to fix this was Pluto tv app - banner overlays displaying permanently if anyone is interested.

Edit Update: 0.25 seems to work also.


I'm trying ADBTuner with a previous generation, Fire TV 4k Max. It's almost working. If I enable compatibility mode, ADBTuner tunes the right channel and starts streaming from the encoder but it leaves the Fire TV stuck on the who's watching dialog. I thought that had been solved but perhaps Fubo changed something in their app. If I leave compatibility mode disabled, the Fire TV still gets stuck on the who's watching dialog but ADBTuner never starts streaming. The dialog eventually gets dismissed when it looks like ADBTuner tries tuning the channel again. It never detects playback, though, and gives up. I have logs for both cases if that helps.

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So I've got a 4 port encoder working well with 4 of the Onn Box (2023) Google TV boxes. The one issue I can't seem to solve is I need to enable ADB on the Onn Box but it kills my ethernet adapter upon reboot. If I disable ADB and reboot, the ethernet adapter will reappear. While this is more of an annoyance I can't quite figure out how to make survive a reboot. My Nvidia Shield separates USB ADB from Network ADB so I don't have the issue on that device. I've seen some people post success with Fire Sticks. I'd prefer to stick with something running plain Google TV as I plan to use YTTV as my channel source.

This is a definite issue with the onn box. I've seen it myself, and it's been reported here by others.

The FireStick 4K Max and Chromecast 4K with Google TV are the best choices with Ethernet. Both will even work with specialized PoE Ethernet adapters, which is my personal preference.

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In my early testing of ADBTuner, when I found out the ONN box disables ethernet in developer mode, that box was gifted to a friend, and I bought a Chromecast. :grinning:

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I encountered this issue too but have continued to use two Onn boxes via WiFi with no issues - one thing that I did to ensure WiFi was less congested was to keep a lot of the non streaming traffic on the 2.4G channels, use 5G for streaming, and I also made sure that all other tv streaming devices used for watching TV (vs. encoding) are using wired ethernet...