ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I recently installed a brand new firestick max, and I've had to enter the adb authorization several times already on it. Is there a way to save the keys permanently on the device?

That is strange make sure no other PC is also trying to connect to it... I have 4 Firesticks on ADBTUNER and do not have that problem. I believe ADBTUNER already has an ADB command to keep key ... adb_allowed_connection_time=0, adb_enabled=1

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Why did you put this in your yml file Kenny?


I did this a while back myself using an AutoIt script. I used EventGhost (now abandoned but it will run on Win10 just fine, haven't tried it on 11) with a webbrowser plugin to receive the command and channel number from a curl or wget call, then execute the AutoIt script with the channel number. EG made the network part super easy, and I could also start a timer to kill the HDHR app after some period just in case.

I still use a similar method today to capture from the Spectrum Web player for channels that dropped TVE support.

I would be very interested in reading how you did this with EventGhost and Autolt Script. Could you give a little detail and post your script? Also how you are currently doing it.
Would really appreciate it.

This version of Xfinity will work on other Android boxes. You have to install the icon APK also, for an icon up.

Id be interested to hear if anyone got Xfinity stream working with any of the HDMI encoder projects to fill in the channels not available on TVE.

@AtoZ0to9 ... I have tried those Android mods before work for a while but not worth it after a while they break not reliable for something like a DVR that runs 24x7...

Firesticks with XFINITY Stream are maintained by XFINITY. I have 5 firesticks running XFINITY attached to a URAY HDMI..... You can setup ADBTUNER to record any Channel you are subscribed to using XFINITY Stream... I use it for HBO and Showtime DRM since I have 2 Primes to record others.

Snapshot of 2 Channels below have 3 others also on ADBTUNER

Today I use this method with the Spectrum web player, as I no longer have a cablecard which is required for the HDHR Prime. The method is similar though.

I'm using the androidhdmi-for-channels app/plugin to send the command to the Windows system. A bash script builds the URL command and then calls curl to send it. I used to just send the channel number, but someone found out how to determine the Spectrum channel ID, which is a 5 digit number, so you can send either the 5 digit number or a channel number and the AutoIt script will handle either. Here is a version of the I use with most of my channels cut out to make it short:



# Channel substitution as needed for actual Spectrum channel numbers

if [[ $1 = "101" ]]	# USA
elif [[ $1 = "104" ]]	# Fox

if [[ $channel != 0 ]]
date >> "$LOG1"
echo ---SpectrumWebCtrl: Tuner 1  Request: "$1" Send: "$channel" >> "$LOG1"
curl -s -o /dev/null "$EG""$channel"

On the Windows box, I use EventGhost because it has plugins for timers and running command lines, so I start a timer when the AutoIt script is called and it will kill the browser after say 4 hours if for some reason it's been left running. You could eliminate EG and use winexe or similar on linux to send the command directly to Windows to start the AutoIt script, but I've been using EG a long time and it does other things for me too.

Also, EG is based on Python, so a simple Python script strips off the channel number from the web command. So it will receive a command such as SpectrumWeb.19616, strip off the channel number, run the command line compiled AutoIt executable with the channel number argument, and then set the kill timer.

The AutoIt script is too long to post here but maybe I can put it somewhere for download. What it does is start the desired browser, usually Chrome, to the Spectrum watch URL. If the channel number is the 5 digit code, then it will set it directly to that channel. If it's 2-4 digits, then it uses the old method of starting the browser, waiting a while for the channel to start playing, then clicking and up arrow to get to the first channel and then literally down arrow the required number of times.

Spectrum skips some channels, so I have to maintain a list of channel numbers with keypresses down. I don't really keep up with this anymore since I only use it for certain channels that I can't get anywhere else, but the AutoIt script does still support it.

It also clicks to start the video, a quirk of the Spectrum web interface, and can toggle on/off the captions as well, although I always keep them on.

They set up the web i/f where it requires mouse clicks to use it, not really keyboard friendly but you can use the kb for some things, so automating it was definitely a challenge. I spent a long time trying to automate it, and it works pretty well. It gets used several times a week here.

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Theoretically, this one might work too, but lack of certification on some apps makes me wonder

Thank you appreciate the information.

A "tuner" consists of two configuration settings. The first is the Android/Google TV device's IP address. The second, labeled "Streaming Endpoint" is for the URL to a HTTP video streaming device (HDMI receiver, transmitter, etc.).

Hi community, I'm fairly new here and just found this thread. I have half a dozen Google TV devices in the house but for the second part of the tuner (Streaming Endpoint), what would be a good but not too expensive device to pick up? Could it be another Google TV device?

No you would need a hardware Encoder URAY or LinkPI recommended by users here.

Thanks. I see now that I should have started with the other thread (HDMI for Channels). Digging in now.

Edit: Picked out a Link Pi ENC1-V3 from Aliexpress for $113 USD

where can i get the information to load into adbtuner? Like channel id, name, url etc? The providers I want to use are hulu and directv. Thanks in advance

Can directv be used with this system?

Bro, Can directv be used with adb tuner?

The spammy manner in which you barrage this forum with your repetitive and poorly-placed questions is very annoying.

A simple search for the word “directv” in this thread would have provided an answer, anyway:



can adbtuner be used with Dish anywhere?

