Add notifications ability

Hey All,

One thing I would love is the ability to receive notifications when a certain program is on. For instance, I was browsing through the guide on the television and I noticed a program that I wanted to check out. I completely forgot about. It would be awesome to be able to click on future programs and have a notify me button. I know the TVOS can do notifications. Im not sure if you can do them between apps but you could always pair them with the iphone. Just a thought!

I think you can do this on the iOS app, but TVOS won’t allow you to set reminders on there. Think this topic has come up before and they explained that there’s technical reasons or restrictions as to why they can’t impliment it on TVOS.
If you do set a reminder on iOS and then close TVOS or exit it to view another app, it’ll remove any reminders you’ve set up.

Reminders on iOS are based on the native notification system in iOS. They’re just simple scheduled local notifications.

tvOS does not have a notification UI to display notifications. While it supports notifications, push and local, it only supports background updating and badges. There’s no alert functionality.