Add second Tablo 4 Tuner by IP address

My first Tablo was discovered and added to Channels automatically, but I need to add my second Tablo which is on a different subnet. How can I add a second Tablo 4 Tuner by ip address?

Just a guess: Have you tried "Add Source" Add a HDHomeRun device?

If it goes bad, you can always remove it.

That didn't work for the Tablo. Is is supposed to?

It was a guess. Possibly somone has been through this. Otherwise you will need one of the developers to assist.

Okay, thank you! I am a new user, so I am still getting my bearings here.

If you don't get a response from the developers, this is probably why.

Got it. I have two of the same so I know since one works, the generation works, and the API works. This is quite the oversight that Channels didn't add a way to specify the IP address of the tuner. I realize the Tablo could stop working at any time due to api changes, but since this Tablo generation is not really getting updates by Tablo, they probably wont do a big API overhaul.

I also understand that if buying new I should get hdhomerun.

Not sure if you read the threads here on Tablo.
Did you enable the Experimental Tablo Network Tuner Support

Would also help if you can clarify which models your two tuners are

Might also try the link mentioned and see what it comes back with.

Yes, I have that option enabled and it sees one of my Tablo tuners.

The post you linked to describes that Channels DVR uses the Tablo API to discover the address of the local Tablo. Thank you for the link. Since this Tablo has a different public IP address than the Channels DVR, I need to figure out how to override that JSON response to add the second Tablo.

They may have changed the discovery method since that post. I know Aman was talking about using a local network scan like they do for the SD HDHR tuners, but not sure if that was implemented. I don't have any Tablo tuners.

From the Settings > Sources page in the DVR web admin UI, try doing a Scan Network
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 21-37-58 Channels Settings

I think I am at the mercy of the developers here. I don't see any config files I can edit to manually specify an additional Tablo by IP address. Thank you everyone so far.

Only idea I have left is try to add it manually like an HD HomeRun tuner by IP address.
Settings > Sources [+ Add Source] > HDHomeRun Device

A device like that added by IP address can be removed using a curl command

Um ... what?

Sure, I'm going to be downvoted and whatever, but you are blaming the developers for not supporting your edge-case (different subnet) for an unsupported product (Tablo). Are you sure this isn't about DRM ATSC3 feeds?


Yes, an oversight is an unintentional failure to notice something.

No, we do not currently have a way to manually specify the IP of a Tablo Tuner. Unless something has recently changed on the Tablo Gen 4 firmware to implement the Gen 3 API, we do not support the Gen 4 tuners as well.

Just a little note, the 4-Tuner is not a gen 4 device.

I just wanted to clarify for everyone following along so there wasn't any confusion (now or in the future) because model names can be confusing.

Thank you, @eric!

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That's why I posted this, but he never said which models he has

I assume they're the original 4-Tuner Tablo OTA DVR (SPVR4-01-NA) with Serial Numbers starting with LD-B

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