Advanced library collections (smart rules) and advanced passes as blueprints

I just had the thought: what if library collections that use smart rules, or advanced passes could be saved, shared, and imported in a similar way as Home Assistant blueprints?

This way, if somebody asks: "what is the best way to set up an advanced pass for this or that?" you can just answer: "Here's a blueprint for it". Just import it and be done with it. :slight_smile:

Right now, there is forum section to share ideas for advanced passes:
Latest Playground/Advanced Passes topics - Channels Community (

But what if we could go a little further and actually save advanced passes to be shared and imported by somebody else?
That's the idea.

Maybe that would make more sense for advanced passes than library collections, I'm not sure. :man_shrugging:

I had the thought and figured I would throw the idea around.

For passes...

Running multiple servers I sometimes need to copy passes from one server to another as I change sources on them. Would be nice to copy or export/import from the UI. I currently do it using curl commands, which is possible, but time consuming.

The only issues I encounter are when you select or exclude specific channels and when using a Series ID that doesn't exist using other sources. In those cases I copy the pass and have to modify it. For simple passes it's just easier creating a new pass.

I could figure it out on my own but since you already have curl commands, would you be willing to share? That will save me time. :grin:

Not trying to be a jerk, but I think users wanting to do this using undocumented, unsupported methods need to understand what they're doing and should figure it out on their own.

Here's a hint from 3.5 years ago to start with Remote Creation of Series Pass

Use your browser Network Inspector to see what happens when you create a pass and also look at the pass it created using the API /dvr/rules

That's fair.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.