In addition to adding Sources, would it be possible that the channel criteria look only in a set of Favorite Channels?
That’s how all passes work. They prioritize favorites channels when deciding where to record from.
Here's some additional detail for you:
What I'm getting at is to ONLY look at the Favorites.
My scenario: My wife wants to record golf, anything PGA and LIV. I have a PGA Pass, but it missed picking up the last TOUR Championship this past weekend. We had to schedule it manually.
When I created a schedule for Genres == Golf I ended up with a lot of other golf related items (such as Golf With Aimee, College Golf, etc). Not just shows in the Favorites.
If I could limit the source to just Favorites or better yet a Channel Collection, I can eliminate all the other recordings.
I know I can set the channel criteria, but I think it would be easier add a channel to a collection and have a Pass monitor that.
This still sounds like you can resolve with an Advanced Pass with no additional features, but it is going to take a little trial and error on your part to figure out the best configuration. For instance, when I search for PGA, I see all of this:
The fact that your scheduled recordings "missed" a tour last weekend makes me think it is because your pass is set to just be "PGA Tour Golf" and not "PGA Tour Champions Golf", or vice versa. Now, you could create a pass for both programs, but we could also do this with an Advanced Pass.
First, let's create one with the criteria of Title CONTAINS PGA Tour. Note that under Matches, it is showing 37 upcoming programs that align to that specification.
However, if we take a look, we can see that it contains a lot we do not want. It has replays of events and all of those news programs you do not care about. Okay, we can get rid of both. Let's start with the replays. We get around this by adding Tags == New. Now we are down to 12 upcoming programs:
Fine, but let's kill off those news programs. How do we get around this? What do the tours have in common that the news shows do not? Well, for me, I decided it was episode length. Every tour had a 2-3 hour block, while the news shows were 30 or 60 minutes. So I decided to add a criteria that the Duration length had to be more 90 minutes (5400 seconds, as Channels is looking for):

As you can see, I'm now getting 10 matches that are all either "PGA Tour Champions Golf" or "PGA Tour Golf". Just a heads up, even though these are under one Pass, Channels will put the programs in individual folders, and thus I will end up with both programs listed separately.
Then, I can duplicate the exact same pass except replace the Title with "LIV Golf" and get the same results. If programs are available on multiple stations, the scheduling engine will pick:
- By priority order of recording source and highest station number, Favorite Stations over all others
- If there are no favorite stations, it will go in the same order, but pick HD over SD and highest station number
Every one of these elements is completely controllable by you to get the recordings you want on the stations you want them from.
Excellent info from @babsonnexus
If you want to continue using Genres == Golf, you can limit it to only Live Events
Genres == Golf
Categories == Sports event
Tags == Live
Yes, this is also very good advice from @chDVRuser. I use something similar with my NFL passes, and use priority order of my passes to control where and what I've want. I've slightly modified this since I posted the below (added another pass for Sunday night games), but basically shows the same concepts:
You should take a look at this section of the Forum