ALPHA: Import TV local content into DVR

Fixed it. Coming up in the next pre-release in ~15mins.

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For some reason trying to view my imported movies in the maintenance tab won't show all my movies. It shows about 30 of them at the most. I am trying to multi-select the ones I have watched.

The only tabs available on that screen are "date added", "date release" and library. However, when I select "Library" nothing changes with what it shows me on the screen.

The management view only shows 50 movies or show recordings at a time. If you filter by a show, it will show all of its recordings.

This is to prevent instability of the site by showing the whole library at once. In the past it was a big issue.

Since it’s a management interface, the thought was showing your last few added movies was enough for you to manage them as they are added.

But your case is valid and this doesn’t help!

How many movies do you have?


Ok. I think it’ll be fare to just always show all movies, but clamping the show recordings to 50.

I’ll get it in there.

Would it solve it to do it like it is on the main viewing page and just show X per page with a next button at the bottom of the page?

OK, I made it so all movies will be shown. If you have a ton, it might just get unruly. Someone will let us know if it gets nasty. Showing all the movies at least fulfills the promise that this is a management interface.

I've also increased the limit of show recordings to 100.

This will be in the next pre-release in about ~20mins from now.

Yeah, I'm looking at paginating the list, because that seems fair. It might be helpful to find a couple more items that didn't make the first 100 on the list.

I think showing ALL the movies is more important though since you could be curating your movies all at once, where you probably won't be doing that for EVERY single recording, just the last couple. Otherwise you can just scope by the actual show.

Yes, and the other thing is I really only have to do mass management when I first import the movies. After that it really doesn't matter as much to be honest.

On TV Shows I don't have as many of those ripped anyway, so that probably won't be an issue marking those anyway.

I will keep my eye out for the update.

Ok, it's now showing me all movies. The only sluggishness I am experiencing is when I click a button to select the movie there is like a 3-4 second lag before it shows selected. Not too bad IMO. The DVR is on my Shield Pro (original model). The movies show up pretty fast when the page loads, so that is good.

I see above you are now able to use Gracenote or TheMovieDB to fix incorrect match for movies. Why is this not an option for TV shows too? I have mentioned this in a different topic but I have a show from Netflix called Ragnarok and when I import it in my TV Shows directory, it incorrectly matches it. When I try to correct it, the right show is not found but I don't have an option to search from TheMovieDB. If I were, then it should be found since I can go to TheMovieDB website and find it there. I'm not sure why this Netflix exclusive TV show isn't found by Gracenote where all of my others are, but I would like to get it fixed it possible. Can this option be added to the TV Shows as well to also search TheMovieDB?

TMDB does not have art with the image aspect that Channels was designed around for TV shows.

Thanks for that information. However, I would rather have it find the right TV show than something wrong. Since it finds a match, even though it is wrong, it doesn't ever get into the "unmatched" category with no information. I would rather it find the right match with no artwork than find something wrong with artwork and not be able to change it. If there were an option to force it to be unmatched with no artwork or details about the show, that would be better than what happens now. At least that way it would come up under the correct name of the show when sorting alphabetically.

I don't currently use this feature. When I did I found quite a number of mismatched items.
Is there a reason that existing NFO files that are stored locally with their respective media files can't be used to speed up things and prevent mismatches?


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Another thought I had, and I am not sure how difficult this is to implement or if even on the road map, but the ability to upload our own artwork would be beneficial as well. That would solve any poster art issues (some of Gracenote's artwork is horrendous!).

Anyway, just a thought.

That’s in the plans as well.

And yes, some of their posters offend me.


Oh cool it's in the plans.

Glad I'm not the only one hating some of their poster choices! lol

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The java error when going to Unmatched > Shows is now fixed for me, but the TMDB matching for movies still stalls after I select the match to link it - just get spinning progress wheel forever.

I may have missed this.. If I have imported items and delete something from the backend server, will Channels eventually rescan and remove them? I ask because they are still there in Channels some hours later.

I tried manually "Scan Sources" and the item is still there...

Try the option that says "Prune Deleted" under the Scan Sources option.

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