It came back about 15 minutes after I posted, said something about server configuration. Thanks for the reply. I'll give it more time next time before posting.
I show 500 Internal Server Error
errors in the log around the same time yesterday.
I’m suddenly getting 403 errors on a URL that used to work. It plays fine if I paste the URL into a browser. This used to happen with hlstube. Any ideas?
My M3U:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-number="9006" tvg-logo="",TVBS新聞
The error:
2024/11/17 01:11:19.009489 [M3U] stream timestamps: 9006: start_at=2024-11-17T01:10:33-07:00 end_at=2024-11-17T01:11:03-07:00 live_delay=10.210488729s
2024/11/17 01:11:19.009546 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-TaiwanTV for ch9006 TVBS新聞
2024/11/17 01:11:36.158030 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Ryan's iPhone) for ch9006 TVBS新聞: buf=0% drop=0%
2024/11/17 01:11:36.158135 [SNR] Streaming statistics for (Ryan's iPhone) for ch9006 TVBS新聞: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
2024/11/17 01:11:36.158857 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-TaiwanTV for ch9006 TVBS新聞
2024/11/17 01:11:36.159084 [TNR] Error during live stream for ch9006 TVBS新聞: Failed to download segment 9680862:,/mh/V0/mip/,lva/keepalive/yes/fexp/51299154,51312688,51326932,51347747/mt/1731830668/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,rqh,hdlc,xpc,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,spc,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AJfQdSswRQIgJ2d8KikD65Ea6oCsLnR4aFp-JsimF7fVxUBUxce5m3oCIQDucRK70VVKZy2lh3ya7lObDNzRC765qccRqc2_3hyJqA%3D%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,met,mh,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,rms/lsig/AGluJ3MwRQIgTl9dwQLL2FZalAVTZ22QSbPbupAeSR_RDnV7g-GtwpMCIQDhSE-YiJ8-I0_TtHXp5iuoDup9hva1hZIjvp_fSw_0pA%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8/sq/9680862/goap/lmt%3D1731806798503352/govp/lmt%3D1731806798503350/dur/5.067/file/seg.ts: GET:,/mh/V0/mip/,lva/keepalive/yes/fexp/51299154,51312688,51326932,51347747/mt/1731830668/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,rqh,hdlc,xpc,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,spc,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AJfQdSswRQIgJ2d8KikD65Ea6oCsLnR4aFp-JsimF7fVxUBUxce5m3oCIQDucRK70VVKZy2lh3ya7lObDNzRC765qccRqc2_3hyJqA%3D%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,met,mh,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,rms/lsig/AGluJ3MwRQIgTl9dwQLL2FZalAVTZ22QSbPbupAeSR_RDnV7g-GtwpMCIQDhSE-YiJ8-I0_TtHXp5iuoDup9hva1hZIjvp_fSw_0pA%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8/sq/9680862/goap/lmt%3D1731806798503352/govp/lmt%3D1731806798503350/dur/5.067/file/seg.ts: 403 Forbidden
Edit: go2rtc+yt-dlp seems to working, switching to that for now.
make the first line of your M3U say #EXTM3U
I used that with your other text and it worked for me.. does that work for you ?
Yeah the first line is #EXTM3U, I left that bit out of my post. Strange that it works for you. I don’t think anyone ever nailed down this 403 error with hlstube either. I guess it has something to do with the channels server or client.
Just wondering if anyone else has been having issues with m3u8? It was fine yesterday, today nothing showing up.
Seeing the same here.
Channels complains about no stream found, VLC doesn't play it either.
[ERR] Probe failed for live stream after 10.030812254s and 0 bytes
[HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch3777-dANY-ip192.168.1.8: HLS: 901 Tuner Unreachable: Could not tune to ch3777 after 12s
@jkister Now getting a "429 Too Many Requests" response from you
All recording using your source are failing.
looks you've both tripped the frequency limit traps. the limits are quite high though so i'm surprised.
ill just dump the cache for now. lmk if it happens again, will have to figure it.
It was failing before I started getting the 429 errors.
oh! want to share your ip addr or video you're trying to watch? feel free to pm it to me.
Thanks, 429 errors from your server gone.
Now just have to deal with the 403 errors from google.
I've now disabled all my sources that use the "Kister Method" due to constant 403 Forbidden errors.
It no longer works for me in both Channels and VLC.
None of my kister feeds are working either... something is amiss.
Are you also seeing a 403 Forbidden
error in the DVR log for recordings?
[DVR] Error running job JOB# JOBNAME: failed after 30.243733865s: hls: temporary failure while downloading: GET: 403 Forbidden
Trying to rebuild my "stations" getting there is best way I can describe. I previously had YouTube channels that I had show up on my schedule grid and would play (without opening YouTube app). it is a different computer different location yes 8089 port open, but it seems like I might be missing something using the Kister method for these channels... any input to help me re create would be greatly appreciated
(side note question ... should I get to original / other computer which was set up perfectly isn't there a way to "copy" a back up database and install on back up computer (using now) thus making both exactly the same???
this is error I get
Looks like an issue with the server, others have reported:
An easy way for Channels DVR to watch YouTube Live vids - #143 by ricm916
Just an FYI for those seeing the Kister method failing.
I ran an idea past @bnhf to see if we can put something together in OliveTin for Channels to get it working again. Will post again when we know more. Most likely tomorrow.
I am thinking youtube is unhappy with what I'm doing with this tool... its odd that it's working for some people and not others, maybe they're in the process in rolling out code and are shutting me down for good.
I guess it's only the five of us having a problem.
ryanchild, zonexero, ricm916, Sparky and me.
Nobody else has mentioned it not working for them and I'm sure lots of users are using your service.
It's not working for me either
It's not working for me either. It stopped working just 3 days ago though. I doubt everyone who's set up custom channels using the Kister Method has noticed this yet.