Android app shows video artifacts on some channels but these play fine in HDHomerun app

For the longest time I thought my antenna was to blame for some of my channels OTA channels coming in via HDHomerun playing so poorly. I purchased a new antenna recently and am getting 100% signals on my local stations including the ones that play poorly. I tuned in via Channels and was disappointed to see the video artifacts on these channels still existed.

I loaded these channels on Channels on my PC and found no problem with playback on the PC. I loaded the HDHomerun app on my FireTV device and it plays these channels flawlessly as well. This leads me to think the problem is with the Channels app on the FireTV.

What can be done to troubleshoot further or is this a known issue with a fix?


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Change Settings > Playback > Advanced > Video Decoder

Setting to software seems to have solved this for this channel. Thanks for providing this easy fix. I wish I would have posted sooner