Android support

Please don’t make me buy an iPhone or iPad. Android support please.

If you’re interested in Android support, please post the make/model and OS version of your Android devices. When we decide to build an Android app, we will need to know which OS and device/cpu/screensizes to support.

Phone Moto z running 8.0. Tablet Fire 8" running 5. 6 something, I think. Oh and something fun VR support. That’s the only thing I like about Plex.

Samsung S9+, Oreo 8.0

Pixel 2 XL, Android 9.0

Please take my $15! Haha, and Android app would be amazing.


Essential, Android 8.1… soon to be 9.0

Google Pixel 2 XL, Android 9
I’d happily pay for an Android app, then for me at least Channels would be even closer to perfect than it already is.

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Pixel 2 on Android 9. Pixelbook with Android app support.

Android tablets are being usurped by Chrome OS. With the convertible Pixelbook coming next month, it’s another nail in the coffin of “dedicated” Android tablets.

With Google’s obvious love (and more importantly support) of the web, have you considered remaking the web UI to be more app-like with progressive web technologies? Doing so might obviate the need for a native app on the Android side.

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Pixel 1 on Android 9.0

Pixel 2 XL with Android Pie (9.0) and HP Chromebook X2 with Android App support. As @jm9843 mentioned, Android Apps are quickly becoming the defacto standard for Chromebooks and Chromebook tablets.

We have a beta available: BETA: Channels for Android phones/tablets

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