AndroidHDMI-for-Channels (ah4c) - FireTV LiveTV capture

Yes, that was what I was referring to.
I'm installing debian and going to start from scratch and see how it goes.

Interesting, so you're changing the directory binding to a Docker Volume -- though I haven't seen that construction before with two colons. What does this look like when you go to /var/lib/docker/volumes? Assuming there's an hdmi4channels volume, can you post the sub-directories under that please?

Im not sure how exactly you mean to go to "go to /var/lib/docker/volumes" ?

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No Luck.
Tried it with debian, got same results.
Still investigating.....

Edit: Works if I create volumes and map it like I did.
So that's how I'm doing it until there is a better solution.

@bnhf I ran into a bug this morning.
When tuning a channel immediately following a banner, it tunes the channel above the banner instead.
I rescanned all the channels and then manually verified that the ID was correct.

There is a banner between these 2 channels and it always tunes the channel above.
The channel above works correctly.

Edit: tunning up from below the banner.

Seems like this should be easy to reproduce. I'll have a look at it tomorrow. Thanks.

So far I haven't been able to reproduce this issue -- am I testing for it properly?:

The only difference might be that it is tunning up from the bottom of the list instead of from the top as shown here.
I just tried it again, the banner has moved and it still does not tune this channel.
Seems to be this specific channel that does not tune.

I'm rescanning to see if the ID changes now that the banner moved.
Rescanning came up with same ID.
I tried this channel on both tuners, neither one will tune this channel.
The ID on the second tuner is different as expected. 27 on first tuner, 50 on the second tuner.
In both cases it tunes the channel above it in the list.

What happens when you try to tune it without ah4c -- just natively on the Firestick? What streaming provider is that channel from?

It works fine when just tuning with the firestick.
ScreenPix, its $2.99 a month.

I'll do the trial at least and see if I can figure out what's up. Can you post an M3U snippet for whatever of their channels you're using?

I'm using all 4 channels included with this provider.


You need to change the URL on SCWSTHD to http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/SCWSTHD. The way you have it now, your Channels DVR will call for ScreenPix Voices to be tuned for both Voices and Westerns.

Doh, I can't believe I missed that.

Sorry for the trouble.

No worries -- it happens to us all.

Trying this out - I'm already using ADBtuner. Running on Ubuntu with Portainer and using a 4 port encoder only using 2 ports for now with an ONN and Firestick 4k max - using Fubo as my source. I realize this is for FireTV - but then saw ONN in the directory structure under Youtube.

For some reason the /data/ah4c/scripts/firetv/fubo diectory was empty, but I copied them there and set permissions. That solved any actual errors I was getting on startup.

I don't see a fubo.m3u file anywhere, but I thought I saw a reference somewhere to it - maybe in an older version?

Before I go any further, will this work for Fubo and/or with ONN? Testing all this hdmi capturing before I populate my other 2 tuner ports. Any recommendations are appreciated - and thanks for all you developers that take time to figure this stuff out...

This particular thread is all about using ah4c, with a FireTV device, to get channels that show up in its LiveTV guide. Premium channels subscribed to through Amazon Prime are the best example.

ahh - thanks, that makes this way easier to understand now - using the FireTV guide. Thanks for enlightening me, so much read here about the various tools you guys provide and trying to figure them out...

This seems to be broken.
Looks like Amazon changed the interface a tad.

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