Another "Blocked by Xfinity" problem using Xfinity Now

I have been getting a "Blocked by Xfinity" error on Channels DVR since yesterday.

I don't know if this is relevant to the problem or not, but I moved my server from my Raspberry Pi a few days ago after receiving that message that the Pi will no longer be supported soon. Current setup is on a Synology DS 224+ NAS. Channels DVR worked fine on the Synology for those few days until this happened.

2-factor authentication is turned off for my Channels DVR username. That username is only used for Channels DVR.

I have scoured similar threads to mine for solutions.

Things I've tried so far:

I logged into my Xfinity account using my Channels DVR credentials for Xfinity in my Chrome browser (which is up to date), and was able to start watching a show there, so the login credentials don't seem to be the problem.

I linked Xfinity as a provider to the HGTV Go website and logged in using my Channels DVR credentials. I successfully played a minute or so of a live broadcast from there.

I made sure my Synology NAS was up to date, then restarted it. Channels DVR is also on the latest version.

I removed Xfinity from Sources on Channels DVR and tried to add it back in. Still getting that "Blocked by Xfinity" error.

I ran the Channels DVR troubleshooter and got all green check marks.

I submitted a support ticket for this and received the following reply: "We've seen this issue with the Synology and Xfinity and currently do not have any idea why it's happening or what to do to resolve it. You can see if anyone on our community site has any ideas on how to work around it."

So that's where I am now. I really hope someone can help. Thanks.

I quit using the Channels DVR Synology package because of authorization issues with Xfinity and run my Channels DVR servers in docker containers. My Channels DVR Xfinity TVE server has been working fine using the :tve tagged container

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Thanks for your reply. I had already somewhat decided based on how long it took anyone to reply to my thread that maybe my Synology isn't the best platform to run Channels DVR on.

I really like Channels DVR; however, I'm disappointed that the company would recommend a particular device to run the server on without disclosing the potential pitfalls of using said device. I had to learn that the hard way when I tried running Channels DVR on my Nvidia Shield Pro too. Of course, that's officially dropped from support now.

I assume that I can run Channels DVR on my Synology using docker container? I'm not familiar with that, but I assume I can set that up on my Synology. I'll do some research on it. Thanks for pointing it out.

Nothing wrong with running Channels DVR on a Synology.
In fact, it's a recommended NAS for it.
The issue is the Beta TVE feature, which works fine when run in a docker container on an Intel NAS.

Most users don't come here unless they have an issue.
A few of us visit the Forum daily or weekly.
Not every Channels DVR user is using a Synology and TVE.
And you posted late at night and got a reply in 15 hrs.

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Thanks for your input. I'm going to give Docker a try. We'll see how it goes.

Well, I finally got Channels DVR installed and running in docker. I kept trying to figure out how to get the latest database backup from the old server into docker so I could restore the database, and gave up because I just couldn't figure out how to do it. I decided to just start setting up everything from scratch.

I added my HDHomeRun source with no problems. Also Sling TV with no problems. Tried to add Xfinity and it kept giving me a "not in subscription" error, despite the fact that I'm using the same login credentials as I described previously. Xfinity source still runs fine on my Raspberry Pi. Any idea why I can't add it as a source in docker on my Synology?

[side note - Xfinity Now came with my internet when I signed up for it, if anyone is wondering why I have both Xfinity and Sling TV]

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Make sure you upgrade to the latest prerelease too

What Jean0987654321 mentioned is step 3 of the TVE Troubleshooting tips

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Thanks for all the responses. After going through all the troubleshooting tips and carefully went through each one. Nothing helped, so I will submit a support request. Will report back with any interesting results of that.

Did you get Channels DVR to update and run the latest Pre-Release (currently v2025.02.01.2318) ?

Channels DVR executables/log file directory should be inside the Synology /volume1/docker/ directory, otherwsie Channels DVR won't be able to update and run Pre-Release versions. It will redownload and run the latest Stable release (currently v2025.01.18.0528).

Here's an example docker compose for a Channels DVR tve container you can modify

version: '3.9'
  # Docker container home:
  # Container uses host mode networking and port is specified by environment variable CHANNELS_PORT
  # Persistent container data volume host directories should be created and used in the Synology `/volume1/docker/` directory because of SynoACL permissions.
  # When running docker containers on a Synology, any host directories in volume mappings need to be created on the Synology before creating and running the container.
    image: fancybits/channels-dvr:tve                                  # Use :tve tagged, not :latest tagged image
    container_name: channels-dvr-1                                     # Choose a unique, memorable container name
    network_mode: "host"                                               # Must run in host network mode, not bridge network mode
      - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri"                                            # Enable Synology hardware transcoding (host:container devices)
      - CHANNELS_PORT=8190                                             # Host port number to use with Channels DVR. Must be available on host OS
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles                                         # Your local timezone in standard linux format
      - "/volume1/docker/channels-dvr-1:/channels-dvr"                 # Channels DVR executables, settings and log directory (host:container directories)
                                                                       # DON'T change the container path :/channels-dvr, only the host path /volume1/docker/channels-dvr-1:
      - "/volume1/chDVR-1:/volume1/chDVR-1"                            # Channels DVR recording directory (host:container directories)
      - "/volume1/arkives/importtest:/volume1/arkives/importtest:ro"   # Add volume mapping to local content import directories (host:container directories)
                                                                       # Add additional volume mapping to local content import directories (host:container directories)
    restart: unless-stopped

@chDVRUser - I've spent time off and on today on this. I deleted my server and re-created it with all the settings, including directory names, from your last post. Got the new server up and running. Just as before, HDHomeRun adds just fine. Sling TV adds just fine. Xfinity still won't let me add it. This time though, it's giving me a "not in subscription" error, even though Xfinity still works on the Raspberry Pi with the same login credentials for Xfinity. I tried to update with a pre-release version but that didn't help. Current version shows as 2025.02.04.0018.

In the meantime, I received a reply from tech support - "Unfortunately we don't have any guidance on how to get Xfinity to work on a NAS beyond what the community site has."

Grasping at straws here, but as a last resort, I tried to add a new Viewer level user to my Xfinity account and use that to add Xfinity as a source to my server. I'm running into problems doing that, and their website said live chat was unavailable at the moment to get some help. Maybe I'll try that again tomorrow.

I'm beginning to think that, for me anyway, Xfinity just doesn't want to play nice on my NAS. I'm considering getting the Beelink mini-pc that is recommended as a server device and go from there.

Do you still have the Xfinity TVE source running on your RPi? That may be causing issues if both are using the same username/password for Xfinity.

You definitely want to use a viewer role account for Channels DVR TVE.

Turn Xfinity auto authentication OFF TVE Troubleshooting tips - #4 by chDVRuser

Use your Xfinity username, not for Channels DVR TVE.

What happens when you pick Xfinity here MVPD Picker ?
It should send you to Xfinity to login, then return to NBCLive. If Xfinity login holds you up asking you about security related questions, this could trip up Channels DVR. When doing this in a browser, both Xfinity and NBC are slow to respond, so takes more than a minute from picking Xfinity as a provider at NBC until I'm actually watching my local NBC station.

What network is Channels DVR trying to authenticate with when it fails (check DVR log)?
Do you get that network as part of your Xfinity Now subsciption?

I'm running my server on my home network connected to my home Xfinity Internet, I assume you are too?

I think the only difference between mine working and yours not is I have Xfinity Triple Play and you have Xfinity Now.

I shut down the Pi, then tried adding the Xfinity source to the NAS, and it still failed.

That is what I have in place.

That channel isn't included in Xfinity Now. I've tried other channels like this that are included in Xfinity Now but I'm not asked security related questions or anything, and I'm able to access those channels after picking Xfinity as my provider.

Adding the Xfinity source is failing at validating my Xfinity credentials. I've turned auto-authenticate both on and off and tried to add the Xfinity source, with the same result. Here is the relevant portion of the server logs for one of those attempts if it helps.

2025/02/04 13:43:01.079637 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/132.0.6834.83 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@03d59cf5ecf1d8444838ff9a1e96231304d4ff9c
2025/02/04 13:43:01.080729 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=132
2025/02/04 13:43:01.081246 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2025/02/04 13:43:01.085745 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2025/02/04 13:43:05.979305 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2025/02/04 13:43:06.605697 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2025/02/04 13:43:06.605730 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2025/02/04 13:43:07.003149 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2025/02/04 13:43:08.410237 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:08.743426 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:09.588312 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:09.588497 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=
2025/02/04 13:43:10.981524 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:15.893875 [TVE] action=page_ready
2025/02/04 13:43:15.894035 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2025/02/04 13:43:16.566010 [TVE] action=fill_form u=myusername
2025/02/04 13:43:16.566024 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=24s
2025/02/04 13:43:16.570695 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="xfinityLogin: wait"
2025/02/04 13:43:16.570753 [TVE] action=retry_form
2025/02/04 13:43:16.902203 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2025/02/04 13:43:17.812939 ERROR: unhandled node event *dom.EventScrollableFlagUpdated
2025/02/04 13:43:19.072258 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:19.396977 ERROR: unhandled node event *dom.EventScrollableFlagUpdated
2025/02/04 13:43:19.436645 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:19.916967 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=
2025/02/04 13:43:19.917032 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:20.064879 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/04 13:43:24.267928 [TVE] action=page_ready
2025/02/04 13:43:24.268020 [TVE] action=check_result
2025/02/04 13:43:24.271922 [TVE] action=retry_form step=auth_form count=1
2025/02/04 13:43:25.048206 [TVE] action=fill_form u=myusername
2025/02/04 13:43:25.048193 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=24s
2025/02/04 13:43:25.429076 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2025/02/04 13:43:33.311736 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2025/02/04 13:43:33.593703 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2025/02/04 13:43:33.593740 [TVE] action=authed
2025/02/04 13:43:33.619910 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url= ip=
2025/02/04 13:43:34.992842 [TVE] Auth failed for Comcast_SSO: not in subscription


I wouldn't think the Xfinity package I have would make a difference in Channels DVR working for me. Otherwise, why does it work on the Pi and not the NAS? It's all very strange.

Channels DVR is trying to authenticate with C-SPAN.
If that channel isn't in your Xfinity Now package lineup, it will fail.
Which channels from this list are in your Xfinity Now subscription that you can authenticate with at their live website?
Does it try authenticating any other networks after that one?

Nothing in that list is in my subscription until you get down to the Sundance channel. Everything from that point is in my subscription until you get to the Reelz and Newsnation channels, which are not. And so on. Some are in; others are not in my subscription.

No. It hits C-SPAN, determines that it isn't in my subscription and just quits.

@tmm1 - why is Channels DVR trying to authenticate at C-SPAN that's not in my Xfinity Now lineup? On my Raspberry Pi, Channels DVR tries to authenticate all channels and just moves past the ones that aren't in my subscription. On my NAS, it runs into the first one on the list, finds that it isn't in my subscription and just quits.

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Might help if you copy this list and delete the ones not in your subscription.
That will show us what channels you should get with TVE.

6008 CSPAN2 HD
6009 CSPAN3 HD
6014 VH1 HD
6018 BET HD
6030 CNN HD
6031 HLN HD
6032 CNN International
6033 TBS HD
6034 TBS HD (Pacific)
6035 TNT HD
6036 TNT HD (Pacific)
6037 truTV HD
6038 truTV HD (Pacific)
6039 Turner Classic Movies HD
6040 Turner Classic Movies HD
6043 A&E HD East
6044 History
6045 FYI Channel HD
6046 Lifetime HD
6070 National Geographic HD
6071 National Geographic HD (Pacific)
6072 National Geographic Wild HD
6073 Fox News Channel HD
6074 Fox Business HD
6080 FX HD
6081 FX HD (Pacific)
6082 FXX HD
6083 FXX HD (Pacific)
6084 FXM
6085 Sundance Stream East
6086 AMC HD
6087 BBC America HD
6088 IFC Stream East
6089 WE tv Stream East
6090 Hallmark Channel HD
6091 Hallmark Mystery HD
6092 Hallmark Family
6095 ReelzChannel
6097 NewsNation
6100 Oprah Winfrey Network HD
6101 Discovery Channel HD
6102 Food Network HD
6103 Animal Planet HD
6104 Home & Garden Television HD
6105 TLC HD (US)
6106 The Travel Channel HD
6107 Investigation Discovery HD
6108 Magnolia Network HD
6109 Cooking Channel HD
6110 Science Channel HD
6111 American Heroes Channel HD
6112 Destination America HD
6113 Discovery Life Channel HD
6120 Disney Channel HD
6121 Disney Channel HD (Pacific)
6122 Disney Junior HD
6123 Disney Junior HD (Pacific)
6124 Disney XD HD
6125 Disney XD HD (Pacific)
6126 Freeform HD
6127 Freeform HD (Pacific)
6140 ESPN HD
6141 ESPN2 HD
6144 SEC Network HD
6145 Longhorn Network HD
6146 ESPN Deportes
6147 ACC Network
6172 New England Sports Network Plus HD
6196 CBS Sports Network HD

The DVR has to check the account initially before scanning. It currently does so using C-SPAN, which I guess doesn't work with Xfinity NOW.

Previously it used to be some other station I think, so that's probably why it worked on the Pi.

We can change it but need to find a channel that's common across all Xfinity plans.

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Here are the ones that are included with Xfinity Now:

6043 A&E HD East
6044 History
6045 FYI Channel HD
6046 Lifetime HD
6085 Sundance Stream East
6086 AMC HD
6087 BBC America HD
6088 IFC Stream East
6089 WE tv Stream East
6090 Hallmark Channel HD
6091 Hallmark Mystery HD
6092 Hallmark Family
6100 Oprah Winfrey Network HD
6101 Discovery Channel HD
6102 Food Network HD
6103 Animal Planet HD
6104 Home & Garden Television HD
6105 TLC HD (US)
6106 The Travel Channel HD
6107 Investigation Discovery HD
6108 Magnolia Network HD
6109 Cooking Channel HD
6110 Science Channel HD
6113 Discovery Life Channel HD

I'm looking at the different channel bundles and it looks like Discovery Channel and Hallmark Channel are two that are available in every Xfinity plan.

Hope this helps.

Channel list here

So these

6043 A&E HD East
6044 History
6045 FYI Channel HD
6046 Lifetime HD
6085 Sundance Stream East
6086 AMC HD
6087 BBC America HD
6088 IFC Stream East
6089 WE tv Stream East
6090 Hallmark Channel HD
6091 Hallmark Mystery HD
6092 Hallmark Family
6100 Oprah Winfrey Network HD
6101 Discovery Channel HD
6102 Food Network HD
6103 Animal Planet HD
6104 Home & Garden Television HD
6105 TLC HD (US)
6106 The Travel Channel HD
6107 Investigation Discovery HD
6108 Magnolia Network HD
6109 Cooking Channel HD
6110 Science Channel HD
6113 Discovery Life Channel HD

Same list @napathon posted Another "Blocked by Xfinity" problem - #19 by napathon