I just checked. Tuner sharing is off, at least according to the settings in the Channels app on the shield in the bedroom. Granted that one is NOT the server. Does the tuner sharing have to be deactivated from the server itself? Or just turn it of from the settings on each device around the house?
Either way. It can be set on the server level under Clients, which will override client app settings. Or can be set on each client, if not set in the server.
So if a particular device already has tuner sharing off, there is nothing to override? Or is there another setting on the server side that is seperate that overrides what each device's settings say? Or does the server settings literally change that setting remotely so that if I were to go back into the settings on the client device, that setting will show it has been changed remotely?
You can search the forms for answer to those questions and learn how Server Side Settings work(they override all client settings.)...or start your own thread please....
That is off track to the issue being discussed here.
I have been complaining about long tuning times with ATSC3 forever but a remedy just hasn't surfaced unfortunately. For fun I just cycled through my 3 ATSC3 stations using the HDHR app, then cycled through the same 3 stations using Channels DVR and here are my results:
Device: onn 4K Streaming Box on the LAN
Server version: 2023.08.15.0451
Android TV version: v2023.08.12.1947
HDHR App tuning times in seconds: 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5
Channels DVR tuning times in seconds: 11, 30, 19, 10, 34, 20, 9, 28, 19, 9
It seems like tuning times fluctuate with Channels because at times they have been better. Maybe something has changed in the BETAs, but they're definitely taking a long time to tune into ATSC 3.0 channels now.
Hardware: Nvidia Shield running the latest beta /w wired connection.
It irks me though. I spent the extra $ on the ATSC 3.0 tuner.... i intend to make use of its capabilities.
The negatives of NextGen 3.0 though, make things more annoying. DRM on the stations I watch, and audio volume super low and AC4, and picture quality not any better than 1.0. (these are not the fault of Channels DVR though)
This issue of super slow tunning is a issue with Channels DVR, as all other apps i try, tune very fast.
It is not a crippling issue, but sure is an annoying one.
Now imagine our frustration some of us have with the HomePod lag and audio issues that has been reported for and been waiting for years. It works perfectly in other apps except this one.
I recently tried Stereo Pair with a set of Minis, and took multiple tries, resetting, ungrouping, re-grouping. Finally got them working.
Worked fine in Channels for me for a couple days i used them. Only notice slight delay for them to start playing sound, does that in everything. No issues of lag or audio delay/sync for me.
Stopped using them as they sound like crap compared to my dedicated DAC and 2.1 speaker setup.
I thought i read somewhere that the tuners in the 4K Flex model are more sensitive than the older 4 ATSC1.0 tuner Quadro tuner. That older tuner I also have had die/ have issues on me 2x, and had to deal with SD RMA, which took forever.
In Los Angeles I currently have 5 major channels in ATSC 3.0. Two of them (CBS and NBC) have DRM, so I can't access them. The other three (KTLA, KTTV, and KCOP) all come in fine, and everytime I've tested them lately, they come in quickly, too. The audio is fine. I don't know what I'm doing differently or why lots of you are experiencing slow tuning... just offering this as a data point.