ATSC3 issues with audio/video

Interesting quote from nick at SD about interlacing/progressive:

Most stations run SDI at 1080p60. This is done to generate 720p60 for cable without interlacing and 1080i60 for broadcast. Now with ATSC 3.0 you get the full 1080p60.

And a thread about 3.0 and sports *ChannelsDVR is mentioned in it.

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Maybe some run at higher quality but in my market they look like garbage. Sports are unwatchable.


Same here (Omaha).

Same here. That's why I invested in ASTC 3.0.

I have same issue as you. If I flip the audio to “Spanish” the stream starts to play.

Same here:

:partying_face: This fixed it for me:

cc: @RockandRoller70, @hal9000, @kevini

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This seems fixed for me too! :slight_smile:

I'm on Android TV.

You’re in luck then!

I'm having the same no audio issues on my recordings and sideloading the beta app for my Firestick is a PAIN. So I'm hoping this fix gets released ASAP. I do have the beta on my apple TV and it fixes the audio so that's my plan to watch them there for the time being.

Is this method no longer available?

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Make sure developer options are on ...

Not Required any longer go to on ChannelsDVR APP .. settings > support > install beta

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Guess I should have checked.

It's definitely an improvement from not working at all. Slow channel tuning is occurring, however. One of my ATSC3 channels takes about 3 seconds of spinning for it to kick in, but the other is taking 8-10 seconds. In addition, the slower tuning channel is experiencing some intermittent strobing.

I tried both software and hardware decoding.

Good to see the Channels Devs are working on it. Appreciate it. If there's anything I can provide to help, be happy to.

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This helped with my local Fox ATSC 3.0 issue. Hope to see it pushed to stable release soon. Wish I had tested this out sooner... Super Bowl over Antenna was a bust at my house yesterday. The ATSC 1.0 station reception doesn't come in, but the 3.0 is great (when it works).

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Wow this is so much easier than before. Thanks for the heads up. So strange that the Developer Option is hidden in the Firestick menu now. Had to do the 7 Clicks trick to get it to show up but after that it was pretty simple.

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My ASTC 3.0 channel with audio problems is now working and indeed shows 12 channel AC4. WRAL is also sending the signal in HDR. Unlike other markets, none of the local broadcasts are encrypted and have a lot of ASTC 3.0 channels. Only one NBC station in a market over (Greensboro) is encrypted.

I missed this. I guess I can renew my subscription. Fixed it for me as well.

Don't get used to it. Encryption is coming barring a miracle :pensive:

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Anyone know when this will get updated in a public release?

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