Auto Re-Record Interupted Recordings

Every now and again i get "Recording interupted". Is it possible to get a feature on the roadmap.

Is it possible to create option to re-record interupted recordings automatically.

Often by the time i relize a recording was interupted it has been many weeks.

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Completely agree, but the annoyance would be needing to keep the "interrupted" recording on the DVR for a while, but that's a minor concern.

I agree that would be nice having the option in Channels DVR to re-record interrupted recordings.

I have to manually mark those as not recorded using curl hoping my pass will pickup a future airing.
But I think some thought needs to go into how it would be done.

If it just selected the next available airing, the schedule could change, so it would have to be done with a pass. I think the best way would be for it to just mark it as not recorded and then any pass you have setup would re-record it. If you manually picked it (not scheduled from a pass), then choosing the next available airing would possibly be acceptable. The only issues I see with that is if the next airing is on a channel you wouldn't want to record it from.

Just ran into this with S01E02 & S01E03 of a series marathon airing only on one channel and since the eps don't repeat, could be months before they re-air.
S01E02 only had a 1 second interruption, so I'm keeping that one, but S01E03 had 3 minutes, 22 seconds missing in the middle of a show segment.

This is planned, but there are a lot of pieces involved to make it happen.


It hasn't happened in a while, but I have a question regarding a similar situation. If a pass is set to record only new episodes, but it is missed because the server was not running at the time or there were no tuners available, will Channels record a later airing of the episode (with the same ID) even though later recordings will not have the "New" tag on their guide entries? (I can't remember if this was the case in the past or not, as any missed recordings have not had any rebroadcasts of the missed airings.)

I imagine these two scenarios are related, and the same code that accounts for one would apply to the other. (Although "interrupted" or "started late" recordings would probably need some heuristic/threshold to determine when to schedule a new recording. …Maybe a user-editable value?)

No. If your pass is set to New only, it won't record reruns (later airings, even same day).
I've run into that and setup two passes.
Higher priority for Show using New only.
Lower priority for same show w/o New catches those New airing that were missed (sometimes because EPG didn't list a new episode as new).
Since Channels only records an episode once, this catches any missed by the New only pass and results in no duplicates.

Yah, I leave that to the devs to decide, but I would prefer it just marks them as not recorded so a pass can record them again. I would rather have two recordings (one delayed/interrupted and the later replacement recording hopefully good) so I can decide which to keep. If the newer recording is delayed or interrupted I would expect the same behavior.

I was reminded about this feature request from a recent thread asking about duplicate queued shows in the schedule. BTW, I mentioned those duplicate shows are listed as queued until one has actually been recorded.

I was also going to indicate that those scheduled duplicate shows could in theory be backup re-records in case of failure, delay, corruption and interruption, but that feature had yet to be implemented. However, I felt that it would be better to mention that in this thread and resurrect this feature request again since it’s been about 6 months.


I just noticed this feature request, which has a bit in common with my request for the ability to manually delete and re-record:


Any updates or possible progress on this feature request. A lot of feature request join are "nice to have" request. But auto re-recording interupted recordings is something that would add functionality/reliability to DVR core feature set. If this feature is possible, it would go towards making things far more reliable.

Any update on this? Or, perhaps some suggestions on how to work around this to get the interrupted or recording started late replaced when they are ultimately re-aired?

Could you please share the syntax of the curl command you're using to mark the recordings as "not recorded"? I'm running Channels in Windows.

p.s. I was surprised that Windows has the curl command. :slight_smile: Apparently curl for Windows was introduced in 2017.


OliveTin-for-Channels has an Action for this, plus dozens of other scripts and tricks for Channels, all packaged with a GUI frontend:


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Thank you! I'll check it out!

Like bnhf said, use OliveTin for Channels (uses the same curl command I use and is much easier).

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