Auto-Reconnect when connection lost

So, my biggest gripe with channelsDVR and a reason why I end up using PlutoTV or other sources when I have family over is that I always have a disconnect. Sometimes, it can last for a solid 5 hours before I get the weird buffer/stutter and then the "lost connection" screen. I then have to press play to reconnect and all is well. Is there any way at all whatsoever to automate this so that Channels can always be up and running? It's the only thing that keeps me from having this on as my main TV source at all times.

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I'd also like to see an Automatic "Enter" simulated when the "Press play to reconnect" message appears.
Maybe every time-no limit, or a Fixed amount of automatic "Enters", or a setting to set a max.
Of course if it just keeps popping up MOST people would stop the channel that's trying to play, but there should be a Maximum allowed I'd think, for a late night recording, we wouldn't want this to crash the system with unending automatic "Enters".
Thanks to the devs for considering.


I third this. Was actually surprised it's not a feature

Yeah, why isn't this a feature already?? I Fourth This

You may want to try and figure out what is causing this rather than waiting for an auto reconnect feature. I can tell you in 3 years I can count on one hand the amount of times this has happened to me. It is definitely not normal.

I had a similar problem a year or more ago.

Set your server to NEVER sleep, I learned the hard way when I first started using CDVR
Reserve your DHCP server connections so they never change.
Turn WiFi OFF on your server if it is connected via Ethernet.

My problem back then was my system kept changing back and forth from wifi to ethernet because of a loose
ethernet connection that would sometimes be connected... then would be disconnected, back and forth,
causing the server address to keep changing and me getting Connection Lost.

The odd thing is that it only happens on some channels (I use fios TVE exclusively) and only at certain times of the day. Very weird.

In 6 years of using Channels, the auto-disconnect is something that always happens. Between changing providers, routers, servers: Synology NAS, macOS Server, different TVE logins, IPTV signals, HDHomerun, etc. etc. This is a constant.