BETA: Automatic Channels for Channel Collections - Use rules to pull in channels dynamically

@maddox I think this feature is awesome and already used it last weekend for football. The issue now is when I go to my collection (I set up up exactly like yours for sports) it does not show football night in America.

This is all I had in the grid below... Ok I think I figured it out it technically started 10 minutes later. Is it possible to have a small window where it will show upcoming shows that match the query like say 30-60min?

Football Night in America isn't classified as a sporting event, it's a TV show. It's talking heads.

You might be able to add Sport as a genre, but you'll get all kinds of other crap in there.

No, this operates exactly like the guide does.

This is so great. Feature request, if possible: it would be great if we could also exclude some channels. (For those instances when entire source exclusion would be overkill.)

The actual game is though right?

We added Sport genres so you can cherry pick which sports might show in a collection.


Is it possible to add these sports to the available genres pls :wink:

Rugby League


Thanks. I hadn't seen this feature. I would like the ability to REMOVE ALL sports programming, all reality programming, and all home shopping programming from my grid as I do not watch any of these ever. Does this feature provide a way to do that?

Sorry that’s not what this feature does. This adds programs.

Even making a Channels Collection, just leave those channel types off when manually picking channels.

Or even better, go to your source’s lineup and hide those channels.

I'm on 2022.01.16.0341 and I'm not seeing Sports as a category, and not seeing any sport genres. What am I doing wrong?

It was added to automatic channels options in channel collections.

That’s not this feature. You’re in the rule editor for content collections or virtual channels.

This feature is for Channel Collections.

Gotcha. Guess I was just looking in the wrong place. Found it. Thanks.

Automatic channels should work on Android now.

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The android community thanks you for caving into our demands! Bwahaha.

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I'm seeing a bug on Android since this beta (v2022.03.18.2327) and also present in the latest beta (v2022.03.19.1154): with any custom channel collection selected in the client guide which is not using Automatic Channels (by leaving all its fields blank/unchecked in the Web UI), all other channels are appended to the collection's lineup. This does not happen on iOS (latest TestFlight). The built-in Favorites channel collection works correctly though.

Client Diagnostics ("Guide Data"): 4c6092cf-1362-411c-8c5d-e94a2c1c8b93

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Not sure if I am doing something wrong.
Verson: 2022.03.19.0040
Client: Android S10

I have tried selecting Everything, TV Shows, Movies. I have tried leaving catagories blank. I have tried selecting every catagory.

But every time I go to Guide and select catagory I get "No f2462d61-1f6a-4632-85f4-b16596dad08f No Channels are currently playing anything in this catagory. Try another one" or other similar error codes.

Its not letting me submit logs

"2022/03/19 22:32:36.494767 [ERR] Diagnostics submission failed: Put "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"

Any luck with latest beta app

Still seeing the same issue in v2022.03.20.0536.

More Client Diagnostics ("Guide Data"): a1849b71-d15c-40e9-a3a3-4ceec527f8e8