BETA: Channels DVR Server for Raspberry Pi 4 (USB BOOT IMAGE)

A beta update v2023.0105.0106 is available:

  • Updated kernel from 5.10 to 5.15
  • Updated tailscale and other base OS packages
  • Updated exfat repair utilities to handle more corruption cases automatically

To update, click and hold the Check for Update button in the OS section on the DVR web UI

Does hardware transcoding work for the latest build? I get:

And playing via web fails.

Can you try updating to prerelease? And submit diagnostics

I'm already on the latest pre-release (at least the one available by the long press update).

Logs have been submitted as bd4f667b-973e-459f-912e-c0a700d4fa4c

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Dvr prerelease not OS


Thank you :slight_smile:

Any chance of adding a tailscale exit node to the raspberry pi image? The image is so well-built that there is extra resources for it.

Tailscale is already installed. You can SSH in and configure it.

With this image, is there something similar to arm_boost=1 set by default to allow the CPU frequency on the Pi 4B R1.4 to run up to 1800 vs. 1500? If not, is the process the same to set this?

Info on doing this in the config.txt file on Raspberry Pi OS: Raspberry Pi Documentation - The config.txt file

The Pi image is a highly optimized embedded Linux distro inspired by Home Assistant / HassOS.
It is not RPiOS.

But, config file editing seems to work the same.
I use these OC settings on all my pies.


I have never used the "arm_boost" option though.

Note, if you wish to run a Pi overclocked at higher freq settings at all times, it needs to be in a good case with airflow (small fan) and have heatsinks on all the chips.

Based on my understanding the arm_boost=1 is now default on Raspberry Pi OS installs for the Pi 4. Not overclocking quite as much: 1800 vs. 2000. Doesn't require the voltage to be increased. IMO, not concerned with upping the min core frequency, just the turbo frequency to reduce the commercial skip runtime.

per the linked Raspberry Pi documentation on my last post:

" arm_boost` (Raspberry Pi 4 Only)

All Raspberry Pi 400s and newer revisions of the Raspberry Pi 4B are equipped with a second switch-mode power supply for the SoC voltage rail, and this allows the default turbo-mode clock to be increased from 1.5GHz to 1.8GHz. This change should be safe for all such boards, but to avoid unrequested changes for existing installations this change must be accepted by setting arm_boost=1.

IMPORTANT New Raspberry Pi OS images from Bullseye onwards come with this setting by default."

Working ok now with the Flirc case running Channels on Raspberry Pi OS. I'm waiting on another Pi to be dedicated to Channels using the Channels image. Hence asking some questions before I get started :slight_smile:

So the config.txt file exists in the Channels Image? Based on some browsing the Hassos forums, seems that it's there but may need some searching partitions to find it.

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I took a look at the config.txt file on the Channels Raspberry Pi image, arm_boost=1 is enabled by default.

Did you all see that Raspberry Pi 5 is being released this month? I wonder if further optimizations can be done with this new hardware. I'm considering switching over to this platform (way from my current unRAID setup) simply because Raspberry Pi can be POE powered by using the POE+ HAT add-on, and that is a very big deal for me since that would simply require only 1 cable (ethernet) and that's it!

I have done some preliminary testing with the Pi 5.
See: Raspberry pi 5 build - #8 by Tim99
I'm not moving over to it (yet?) - Tim

I got my Raspberry Pi 5 and I was thinking of testing channels. It has a 2X faster CPU and a higher bandwidth USB 3 port.

UPDATE--> I just saw Tim99's post directly above.

I've done a lot more testing with several different RP5 cases here.

Hi Dennis,
See post also below...