BETA: Channels DVR Server for Raspberry Pi 4 (USB BOOT IMAGE)

I'm getting a lot of buffering/stuttering when playing live TV from the Prime but with TVE it works perfectly. I can't imagine what would be the problem. I have an SSD USB drive installed. Here's my hdparm. Is it too slow? I can't figure this out.

[root@dvr-server ~]$ hdparm -tT /dev/sda

Timing cached reads: 2010 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1005.99 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 700 MB in 3.13 seconds = 223.56 MB/sec

I'm getting a bunch of these in the log when I watch from the Prime. Does this mean anything?

2022/07/14 13:11:08.066381 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch748-dANY-660ba699f29f-1-h264-aac---9744-256-1080-0-0--linear-false-false-0.01: [hls @ 0x39135d70] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: 206260, current: 0; changing to 206261. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
2022/07/14 13:11:08.094044 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch748-dANY-660ba699f29f-1-h264-aac---9744-256-1080-0-0--linear-false-false-0.01: [hls @ 0x39135d70] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: 207761, current: 0; changing to 207762. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.

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What client are you watching on?

This is through the web.

It has to convert mpeg2 to h264 for web playback.

TVE is already h264

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Try pausing live tv when it starts playing and let it build up about 10-20 seconds before playing.
You'll probably find it's smooth as silk.
When playing from the dvr web ui player, being caught up to live always stalls/buffers for me, so that's what I do. (Using a HDHR Prime and Synology, not a Pi, but that shouldn't matter)

And just to set your expectations, the web UI player is not a "supported client".
They prefer you use one of their client device apps for playback.
But you can use the VLC player integration from the web UI (but it's also not a supported client).

Well the problem is not just the web player. It stutters on all my devices.

Is my Pi transcoding too slow?

OK. Excuse the interruption and now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Lol thanks though.

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Are all your devices using transcoding? If so, then yes the Pi cannot handle your usage.

I'm only using one device at a time. Still in the testing phase.

What device and is it transcoding or not?

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So the issue wasn't with the Pi at all. It's a rather complex setup but long story short, I was running another instance of Channels DVR on an older computer that is also running BlueIris. It couldn't handle it and was maxing out the CPU. My testing was flawed.

BlueIris alone is a pretty big resource hog. Granted you can tame it down to not be. But if you are running BlueIris at stock settings and trying to run Channels DVR on it. I can see where it would be falling on its face.

A beta update v2023.0105.0106 is available:

  • Updated kernel from 5.10 to 5.15
  • Updated tailscale and other base OS packages
  • Updated exfat repair utilities to handle more corruption cases automatically

To update, click and hold the Check for Update button in the OS section on the DVR web UI

Does hardware transcoding work for the latest build? I get:

And playing via web fails.

Can you try updating to prerelease? And submit diagnostics

I'm already on the latest pre-release (at least the one available by the long press update).

Logs have been submitted as bd4f667b-973e-459f-912e-c0a700d4fa4c

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Dvr prerelease not OS