BETA: Channels DVR Server for Raspberry Pi 4 (USB BOOT IMAGE)

Thanks for that info. I assumed Channels would cache to disk during streaming, and I took that into account when doing my back of the napkin calculation for the writes. Even if I've overestimated the life of the card by a factor of 2, it's still almost as long as I'm likely to keep the RPi4 before upgrading it. And since there isn't much on there except the TVE config, even if the card dies it's not that huge a deal to me to replace it.

Thanks for the tip sounds like a good way to go. I just ordered the drive. If only the os is on the ssd would there be a downside to booting from one of the usb2 ports and leaving the usb3 for additional storage.

The OS drive will still be used for guide databases, but yea that should be just fine on USB2.

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Thanks. BTW thanks for all the work on this i think it's working great.

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Good news - didn't get a buffering error when same situation occured yesterday
Bad news - still got skipping and similar behavior a good distance into the the show - pretty much same as last time.

I didn't have time last night to send diagnostics, but I'll probably have a situation today to retry. Will try sending from AppleTV this time.

827d08a0-f447-42d2-a733-993cb45f2bb5 Submitted. Got buffer errors almost instantly trying to start a game.

Strange. Usually means the disk is not able to keep up, but that seems unexpected. I will add some disk performance diagnostics.

New updates: DVR v2020.11.02.2355 + OS v2020.1103.0023

A bunch of bugs in the transcoder were fixed, and it should work a lot better now.

Do you have SSH setup? Would be interesting to see what hdparm -tT /dev/sda says for your disk read speeds. Is the main drive plugged into the blue USB3 port?

Timing cached reads: 2066 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1033.15 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 498 MB in 3.01 seconds = 165.34 MB/sec

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I updated to the new updates and lost my shares. The orange triangle came back and I could not redo my shares. It would take the information like normal but when I hit the save button I'd get a spinning circle on the save button but the gear next to shares dose not spin like usual. I tried multiple times but no go so I started from scratch with latest image. I get the same result after hitting save the save button has spinning circle and goes no further. If I start fresh with the image downloaded from 10/29 everything sets up fine including the share. Then when I let take the update and reboot repeat from top of post. Now from scratch newest image trying to set up share. submitting logs now.

Okay looks like I broke the save button. Same thing here. Will fix shortly.

Thanks no hurry I'm back on Version 2020.10.26.2201 and working fine for now.

The save button issue is resolved in v2020.11.04.0008

Thanks the save button works fine now. The share fails on reboot but is easy to set back up. sending logs incase you want to look at them I now notice green light keeps blinking with 2 rapid blinks is that normal. Thanks again for all the work

Latest build came up wonky after restart. Had to toggle DVR back on, and guide update time stamps nuked. 1104.1729

OS 2020.1104.2314 + DVR v2020.11.04.2258

  • FIXED: shares not mounting on reboot
  • FIXED: LED blinking instead of solid
  • FIXED: DVR web UI will now come up right away after reboot, and show a spinner while NTP sync is established

Ugh. I’m worse than wonky at the moment. Lost all sources. All guide data. Etc. I must have caught a bad interim build. Worse, the upgrade buttons on the UI don’t appear to work either.

Any way to force upgrade from ssh?

Click the Log tab and just wait a few minutes until it says "Done waiting on dependencies"

Maybe starting DVR manually got into a funky state.

You can systemctl restart channels-dvr

Or distro-upgrade 2020.1104.2314 to upgrade OS over SSH

Same state after upgrading, unfortunately. submitted 3abc956a-df26-455b-b0a1-ae450cb27c4f