BETA: Channels DVR Server for Raspberry Pi 4 (USB BOOT IMAGE)

Thanks. I see there's maybe a version incompatibility. Can you tell me more about what's hosting the mounts?

Looks like I may need to add a version option or check in the dialog to make this work seamlessly.

Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server systemd[1]: Mounting Movies Share...
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: FS-Cache: Netfs 'cifs' registered for caching
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: Key type cifs.spnego registered
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: Key type cifs.idmap registered
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: No dialect specified on mount. Default has changed to a more secure dialect, SMB2.1 or later (e.g. SMB3), from CIFS (SMB1). To use the less secure SMB1 dialect to access old servers which do not support SMB3 (or SMB2.1) specify vers=1.0 on mount.
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: cryptd: max_cpu_qlen set to 1000
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server mount[590]: mount error(95): Operation not supported
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server mount[590]: Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server systemd[1]: shares-Movies.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=32/n/a
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server systemd[1]: shares-Movies.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: CIFS VFS: Dialect not supported by server. Consider specifying vers=1.0 or vers=2.0 on mount for accessing older servers
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -95
Oct 26 15:07:18 dvr-server systemd[1]: Failed to mount Movies Share.

Synology DS218 share is on a usb3 connected 8tb drive.

The 8tb drive is connected to the DS218 via the usb3. Sorry after reading my previous post I felt i was not being clear.

You may need to change the advanced setting for SMB and specify
Minimum SMB protocol
Maximum SMB protocol

I'd recommend minimum=2 and maximum=3

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Thanks that worked. Its working fine.

What was it set to before?

I'm uploading DVR 2020.10.26.2201 with smb share improvements:

  • pick smb protocol version
  • add share name manually when not in list
  • mount specific subdirectory inside share

It was set to minum 1 & maximum 2. I assume that was the default settings. I never even knew the settings were there.

Must be carried over from a very old config. Most systems use SMBv3 as their default; current version is SMBv4.

Bad buffering watching an in-progress recording last night. Believe the recording of this show was only item in progress most of time while we were watching, too (another recording ended, and comskip ran and finished, but it was short and SD). Gigabit wired all around, minus the HDHR (as it's 100), so don't think it's the network at play.

sent on logs 55015155-7d6c-4a89-9ab9-15c18e7f9c41

Is there a way to take the hard drive from my Windows machine that contains the Channels DVR recordings (does not include OS) and use it for this project without losing the recordings and settings?

I'm have uploaded a new update OS 2020.1030.0108

  • fixed "no space" errors trying to transfer files from macOS
  • reduced lag trying to browse recordings from macOS Finder
  • upgraded to newly released beta RPI4 EEPROM which features better compatibility with more USB drives and faster boot times

Note that with DVR 2020.10.30.0059, the OS update button has moved to the top of the page.

I have also put together a recovery image which can be flashed to an SD card and used to repair an existing USB OS drive without losing the recordings on it.

Been running great, thanks for the recovery image to SD card. Any documentation on how to use that feature?

I will write up some docs and link to the recovery image soon. I am trying to make it as easy to use as possible first.

Not without a second drive to back up the files first.

Or you can buy a cheap SSD and flash that with your OS, then attach the existing drive and use that for recordings. So you would still have two drives, but one would be a much smaller one just for the OS image.

Kootion External SSD 60GB...

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Thanks for the logs. I increased this buffer in the latest DVR builds. Lmk if it happens again.

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FYI SMB3 is the latest protocol. The latest version of the Samba open-source software is 4.x but that is not related to the protocol version (which is defined by MSFT).

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Bah, you're right. I was thinking of NFS.

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Fantastic. We don’t often watch time-delayed but in progress shows, but I’ll let you know.


I'm back with another question. The RPi4 I have coming will be powered by the RPi PoE HAT. I have an RPi3 with that HAT, and I have to add some config to boot/config.txt to change the temp thresholds for the PoE HAT fan, or it runs in two second intervals. Will that control be possible with this custom image? If not, is there any difference between just doing a standard Raspian install and then installing the ChannelsDVR versus this custom image (other than the OS related management stuff)?

BTW, I've made a choice to just use the SD card for now. I know technically it will wear out (and isn't supported), but all I'm doing is using Channels as a mechanism to "convert" TVE to IPTV for NextPVR. And from what I can tell it could be years before I run out of writes on the SD card based on my anticipated usage.


FYI The DVR does use a disk-based cache while streaming TVE.

You are able to edit the config.txt on the boot partition.