BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

@maddox tvc-guide-description doesn't appear to show up anywhere in the guide. Also, the guide in the latest beta on tvOS has the top row half cut off sometimes. It fixes itself when you go to another group of channels (HD, SD, etc.) on the guide and then come back.

Thanks. I got this working as well. I guess the PlutoTV Guide data is sparse. Meaning the just use the original airdate and not the Season/Episode numbers?

In v2020.11.20.0206 there is an easier way to reload the xmltv guide data

Are you on 4.3.1? It just hit the store.

I see my descriptions.

Post your line item from your m3u

#EXTINF:-1, channel-id="Nest-Evan" channel-number="1" tvc-guide-description="Live video" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-art="", Evan's Room

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I was using the beta build, but just updated to 4.3.1 and still don't see descriptions.

It looks right. :confused:

Glad I'm not crazy!

The descriptions do show up in the web UI.

There is no comma after -1. The #EXTINF line should only have one comma, and that is between the attributes and title:

#EXTINF: Duration KEY1=VALUE1 KEY2=VALUE2 KEY3=VALUE3 …,Item Title

In your case:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Nest-Evan" channel-number="1" tvc-guide-description="Live video" tvg-logo=" 1" tvc-guide-art=" 1",Evan's Room

(Note there is no comma after the -1 now. Also, no space is necessary/desired after the comma.)

Thanks, but that didn't have any impact. Same issue still exists.

I swear I copied and pasted from the sample here: and that comma was there before. It's gone now...

I pasted it into my m3u and it's not showing either. I can't figure out why it has tags either, lol

Ok I figured it out.

You were missing the tvc-guide-title tag.

 tvc-guide-title="Evan's Room"

Because you didn't have all the tags for the fake guide data, it didn't use it and fell back to what you would see if you didn't use those at all.

I'd also suggest using tvg-name to name the channel too. I was worried the apostrophe at the end of that line was messing it up, but it wasn't. But it seems safe to lean on the tags we support.

Got it! That made the guide art kick in too. I thought it was strange before that it was just a small version of the logo inside the TV image. Thanks for the help!

FYI - Cut off top row I sent above is still an issue in 4.3.1 just like in beta, which I assume is because it's basically the same build.

Yeah, that bug is known, thanks!

When streaming from Pluto, does the stream go directly to the Client or the DVR?

All non-HDHR streams go through the DVR first.

If you enable tuner sharing on the client, then all streams go through the DVR first before being distributed to the clients.

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A post was split to a new topic: Issue editing commercials

OMG! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there anyone to get art attached to it?