BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

related question: if i add a source and then remove it, those channel numbers seem dead forever (i.e. it seems to start at 9000 for the first source you add, but then if you remove that and add a different source it starts at whatever higher number it would have if those channels were still there). is there a way to clear that cache and go back to 9000 until an allowed start number override per source is finished?

Are you on the latest build? The bug you're describing was fixed a few days ago.

me? i thought i was, i'll do an update check and confirm...

edit: Version


if you were talking about the channel numbers not resetting when a source is deleted, i'm definitely still seeing that on the latest build. i just did a forced update and deleted and re-added pluto, and i'm up over 10000 in the channel numbers now...

Okay I see what happened. Will be fixed in next build, but you may need to add a source with the same name and remove it to clear the old entries created.

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OK, the newest version supports setting the starting channel number. Use the START_CHANNEL_NUMBER env var to set it.

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Is there a reason you're not using the channel-number tag to set your own numbers?

@tmm1, is there a reason you went with the channel-number tag instead of tvg-chno or tvh-chnum?

this is about the container that grabs the pluto M3U and EPG.

No reason. tvg-chno also works.

Thanks. I'll have to look into this when I try to setup a system for my parents, and put their cameras in the TV feed.

I've removed this option. It was a naive implementation as the channel numbers will change as the channels update from Pluto.

We'll address custom channel number picking in the future in some way. As an alternative, you could always use the m3u generated and manually edit it with channel numbers and add an m3u source with the text based option.

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Instead of using the gui text option for entering an m3u, I'd like to use a URL and point it to a m3u file on my hard drive. I've tried a few combinations of syntax that should meet the file URI scheme for Windows, but the channels are not being read from the m3u file. 1. Can channels read a local m3u using the URL option? and 2) if so, can someone point me to the correct syntax for Windows?

In my test, I have a test.m3u file residing on the root level of my Channels DVR (Windows) server.


Edit: Found this in the log file, sounds like this method is not supported (yet): 2020/11/18 14:31:19.319664 [ERR] Failed to request m3u: Get "file:///c::/test.m3u": unsupported protocol scheme "file"

sad face.

this was more about trying to ensure (for me anyway) to make sure they always started in the same spot rather than worrying about what each number below that was, to increase the WAF. if she doesn't have a spot she can always go to find pluto (9000 for example, if that's what i'm using as the start channel), she's never going to bother with it.

So I finally have everything working with my camera M3U playlist. I've added each camera feed individually, and then a live quad feed. All is working as expected except for on the android app. Not too worried about some of the placeholder images not showing up, but my quad feed (channel 9004) does even show up in the guide or on-now section. See images below. Is it just not fully functional with the android app at this stage?

Admin Guide View:
Guide View - Admin

Admin On Now View:

Channel 9004 Streaming:

Missing Channel 9004 on Android App:


Perhaps it is not favorited on Android? Can you submit diagnostics from the Android app.

I didn't even thing to check that since all the other ones showed up without me having to favorite them in the android app. But sure enough, channel 9004 wasn't favorited in the app. As soon as I did that, it is now showing up. Thank you for the easy fix.

Crazy idea, but could this now be used with the Pi TV HAT and the recently released rPi DVR image all on one Pi? I suppose you would have to be able to install TVHeadend but not sure if/how the DVR would pick this up?

Great. I would still like diagnostics so I can see why those preview images are not loading. Does the video play?

No. But I have added a new File option in the next build.

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Diagnostics submitted. The videos all play, but I do get a playback failed message on it often on the first time I click watch. If I go back and click watch again, it almost always works. This seems especially true for channel 9004. That takes a little longer to load since there are 4 camera feeds in that view.