Beta - Server Side Client Settings

Going off of this, could there be a setting to remove the filters on the guide?

My grandparents use Channels at their home and connect to my server. I've had to go over their house on many occasions because they "lost" their channels. If I could disable these filters on the guide that would save me some trips! Lol

This topic is not for requesting new settings. It's to discuss the original topic. Please request new features in new topics.

That being said, the newest apple tv and iOS betas on TestFlight have settings to hide the filters. :crazy_face: So it's coming

Thanks for adding this feature! This is awesome.

Also next time I'll be sure to create a new thread :+1:t4:

Yes, and it is SO awesome!!! Never used those filters and so many times got hung up in them because of the Apple remote. Thanks for this one!

Is it possible to add the setting whether to use Hardware or Software decoding ?

FireTV Cube works best with software ...

This is very cool and elevates the user experience and reduces work for me. The sweet spot! Now I can add a client or roll out a change without running all over the house to synchronize settings so no one is confused. What to do with all the extra time...?

Thanks. You make me look good!


What overrides what in regards to global settings vs individual client settings?

Client Settings override global settings. Which makes sense.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Beta - Channel Collections

Thanks for this, I hadn't been on the forum in a few weeks and had been thinking the client was the wrong place for all of these settings, makes more sense to set them server side. The last thing I want is the client being able to change whether or not to delete imports, that should only be a server side setting, anyone with young kids can attest to the necessity for this :wink:
The DVR stuff is fine to delete from the client, but I never want the clients to ever be able to delete imports, and I think most will agree on the wisdom of this. Personally, it really doesn't matter to me, as I live alone, so I'm the only one that can delete, but this will really help those with families and roommates, thanks for the work on it! I love how you all are always tirelessly working to make a better product, you are the best!



Agreed. I'm not sure what good it does to have a setting on the server side that can be overridden by the client. Would it be possible to have a simple checkbox on the server whether or not clients can change any settings?

That's not how this feature works.

They can’t be. Anything set server can not be changed on the client. That’s the whole point of the feature.

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Once you start using it, it will make more sense

No, but if there are only certain clients you want to restrict, you can set settings by client, too, on the server.

Docs were written up for this:

This feature has shipped. Thanks everyone for the help! I'm closing this topic. Please report any issues in a new topic.

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