Strm is a feature I see a lot of potential in. If there was a easy/reliable way to make vast collections of these. The effort it take to manually search out content, locate true video url, make/rename text file.
It might be. Quick process on a individual video scale. But to make 100s or 1000s manually. Nah.
*.Strmlnks at begining was great because it had premade repository of links (not maintained) but it sucked because it launched externally
*.strm is great because it plays like native video. But is not capable (I could be wrong) of pointing to netflix/streaming. And the lack of a shared repository of *.strm files, its a feature that only the true power users will use but soon abandon in a few months. Except for 1 or 2 outliers.
What I would love to see. Is the ability to point to a external source ex: My brothers NAS in another State. Auto generate and maintain *.strm of his library
The ability to point to a source to my brother in another State NAS and treat it like a local source.