I am having a strange problem with TV show matching with TMDB. I recently reorganized and renamed the folder structure of my TV Show hierarchy. One of the things I did was change the tag in the file name from {tvdb-(showID#)} to {tmdb-(showID#)} to use the TMDB show ID number instead of the TVDB show ID number. I did this because everyone seems to be switching to TMDB. I don't think Channels uses this tag in the file name, but Plex does, which is why I am including this tag in the file name.
Anyways, after importing the shows into Channels with the new file names, most items didn't seem to be automatically recognized. I figured the tag in the name is causing Channels not to automatically find the items. Not a big deal though because I have no problem manually matching the shows.
When manually matching shows, I decided to match against TMDB instead of GraceNotes. I did this because TMDB seems to be a lot better than GraceNotes. GraceNotes information about shows many times is wrong or just outright missing (missing shows is actually what prompted me to do this reorganization). GraceNotes also has no realistic way to edit incorrect information or add missing shows. TMDB does, and because of it, its info is more accurate and complete.
Here is where I am running into a problem - if I try and match a show to TMDB from the start, it matches all the metadata for the episodes, but not for the show title itself. All of the show metadata is missing. The show title shows with the generic title that it gets from the file name, it has no poster art, and no show description. Below is a screenshot of what I am talking about:
As a workaround, I can go back and select the show from Gracenotes, and then it shows the show info. If I then go and reselect it from TMDB, everything still shows correct, both show info and episode info. However, the problem is with missing shows from Gracenotes that exist in TMDB. Since the show is missing from Gracenotes, then I can't use the workaround (and the missing show from Gracenotes is the whole reason I started this project!). Below is an example of a show that is in TMDB but not Gracenotes:
(Note that this show was the original Rick Steves Europe series from the 1990s and not the same Rick Steves Europe series that he has produced in the 2000s - they are two different shows with different seasons and episodes. The original 1990 series isn't in Gracenotes but is in TMDB. The newer 2000s series is in both Gracenotes and TMDB.)
I tried updating to the latest pre-release 2024.12.18.0400, but it didn't fix the problem. I am running Channels in a docker running on UnRaid 6.12.14.