this is what i have it labeled as but it shows up as recordings instead of specials
s00 works for theTVDB, but Ive found that Specials in TMDB tend to be completely separate shows.
Current state of the Beta as far as I can tell. Please correct if wrong.
- Show episodes that appear at TMDB will be matched if the S#E# in the imported filename matches TMDB
Show special episodes (Season 0) will not get matched, even if they appear at TMDB- Fix match at the episode level still only uses Gracenote and we cannot fix match by searching TMDB for Episode Title, only S#E#
Can you provide some examples of TMDB specials and check how they appear in their API?
There's one here
TMDB website list 98 Specials in Season 0 Top Gear: Season 0 (2003) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Okay new prerelease should scan in specials
Okay, I got this to work with Star Wars Rebels that was previously matched to Gracenote (not the Specials, though). However, when I changed it to TMDB the Specials did not update. I had to completely remove the Stream Link files, purge, and re-add them, then they matched.
Also, they still remained under the "# Recordings" category instead of being something like "Season 0".
Fixed in next build
How do I trigger it to rescan
Still doesn’t show up
EDIT: okay so it does sorta work after i rematch to moviedb - but it still shows the specials as # Recordings - not Specials
Another observation - Lets say your tv show incorrectly scans - like this one
(Should be the British As time goes by from 92)
If you first go to moviedb and scan and select the correct match this will happen
The episodes are now correctly done - but the tv show itself is still matched to the bad gracenote - you have to match correctly to gracenote and then to moviedb to have the right stuff - and you can never get moviedb show description
I agree it seems... funky.
You don't get the show artwork or show summary from TMDB, those come from Gracenote.
You only get the episode titles and descriptions from TMDB.
I played around and imported a single season 0 episode and matched it to a totally unrelated show with gracenote, then matched it to tmdb.
The display of the episode was still wrong when viewing it from dvr manage shows.
The show appeared with the correct title in Library shows.
Not quite there yet.
Confirmed in a test.

but it still shows the specials as # Recordings - not Specials
Agree, they should be in something like "Specials" or "Season 0", not # Recordings.
I'll check this out. I believe this is shown as Extras in the client. I'll try to get it doing the same in web.
OK, please try with the latest pre-release, I think things should be rendered better now. I'm working on the tvOS client next.
v2023.05.15.1555 • FIXED: Specials were not getting grouped into the Extras group properly
No difference with 2023.05.15.1555
Am I holding the remote wrong again?
file to import is
TV/Top Gear (2002)/Season 0/Top Gear - S00E01 - Series 1 Best of.mp4
log shows
2023/05/15 18:24:13.757288 [SCN] Imported TV episode #1450 Top Gear (2002)/Season 0/Top Gear - S00E01 - Series 1 Best of.mp4
Clicking on Top Gear (2002) below leads to displaying No recordings found for show.
That’s rendering correctly. If you had actual seasons in there, it would group that into an Extras section on its own. But it’s the only item there.

OK, please try with the latest pre-release, I think things should be rendered better now. I'm working on the tvOS client next.
v2023.05.15.1555 • FIXED: Specials were not getting grouped into the Extras group properly
Oh, that looks much better now!
Now I can take all those things Disney+ puts into a separate program as "shorts" and have them with the main show. Yay!
Any possibility we could have it pull the show summary from TMDB?
I know it was stated the TMDB show artwork is the wrong aspect ratio, but why not the show summary.
I'm trying that option right now. I am curious, though.
Why does it seem EVERY show from the Food Network differ so much from gracenote? I would think the Food Network KNOWS the episodes better than gracenote. Seems like somewhere 5 years ago the numbering system went wonkey.
The Pioneer Woman and Diners Drive Ins and Dives come to mind. TPW on zap2it even has season 32 completely non existent.