As we move past finally having the ability to edit metadata on items in our library, this gives way to let us finally import random un-scrapable videos into our Channels library. Concerts, sport events, home videos, internet videos, etc can now be added to Channels.
But these videos are not necessarily Movies or TV shows. So today we're putting them into their own section. Videos.
How it works
You can now import these videos with a new type in your Local Content settings: Videos.
Videos will be imported as groups with their associated videos. Groups can be edited just like a TV Show can, and the same goes for the videos.
Videos and Video Groups will work essentially the same thing as TV shows. But they don't participate in Up Next, and they are found in their own section: Videos. This way, they can participate in Collections, Virtual Channels, and all of the Channels goodness, without muddying up your library. They sit nicely archived in the Videos section for you to easily get to and watch.
Videos are assumed to have a group with associated videos, just like TV Shows. Your directories for videos should look like this:
/videos/Home Movies/Day at the Beach.mp4
/videos/Home Movies/Snorkeling Trip.mp4
/videos/Home Movies/Ski Weekend.mp4
/videos/Peter Gabriel Videos/Sledgehammer.mp4
/videos/Peter Gabriel Videos/In your Eyes.mp4
To make organizing your videos a little easier, subsequent imported videos will adopt certain metadata items from its group such as artwork and genre.
Our Local Content documentation has been updated to reflect this.
What if I want them to act like TV Shows?
You can just import them via a TV Shows import. You can import anything to any section now, you'll just need to go in and edit the metadata. If you want a random video to be a Movie, import it there.
The videos section is here to help you be organized and ensure your random home movies don't clutter your TV Shows.
Client Support
tvOS and iOS support is available right now with the latest TestFlight beta. Android support will be coming soon later today.
Please give this a try and import some videos and let us know if anything is weird or not working correctly with the rest of the Channels platform. Thanks!!