BTN is down for me using Dish Network. It was working up until I last checked (this week). Is there a fix for this?
The Big10 Network on Dish Network TVE is coming up not Authorized. Any chance @tmm1 or anyone could take a look? Would love to record the football game this evening.
I'm using Youtube TV and have lost fox, FS1 FS2 and big10
Everyting checks out and i have submitted logs
I'm using the lastest pre-release.
When my channels tries to validate the missing channels, it brings my system to a crawl.
Directs stream tve not working for me either.
Logs 0fb648f7-2b6b-4df5-66cf50ed9154
BTN fails with Xfinity also.
Logs have been submitted as 55673c5b-6d27-4f16-a194-85e8fb4835f1
Also seeing issues at the foxsports website, so it may not be Channels DVR?
When I sign in at foxsports using my provider, it goes right back to the select provider screen. I can click WATCH on the left and it acts like I'm logged in, but there's no logout option. Their website is messed up.
I have no issues with BTN,FSPlus,FS1,FS2. All work well. 6002 was working at noon but not coming thru atm. Hulu
Looks okay here as well with Xfinity:
2023/09/16 14:19:30.159805 [TVE] stream timestamps: fox: start_at=2023-09-16T14:18:30-07:00 end_at=2023-09-16T14:18:58-07:00 live_delay=27.379799522s
2023/09/16 14:19:30.159918 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6002 WNYW
2023/09/16 14:19:30.160739 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6002 from (bitrate=8241)
2023/09/16 14:19:32.248662 [HLS] Probed live stream in 2.087735264s: h264 1280x720 progressive 3985034bps
2023/09/16 14:19:39.460969 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.88.185 (out=12.288s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=5)
2023/09/16 14:19:39.464366 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6002 WNYW
2023/09/16 14:19:39.464406 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6002 WNYW: buf=0% drop=0%
2023/09/16 14:20:27.524884 [TVE] stream timestamps: btn: start_at=2023-09-16T14:19:52-07:00 end_at=2023-09-16T14:20:20-07:00 live_delay=3.315878245s
2023/09/16 14:20:27.524984 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6199 BTN
2023/09/16 14:20:27.525756 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6199 from (bitrate=7476)
2023/09/16 14:20:28.166594 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch6199-dANY-ip192.168.88.185-remux: [hls @ 0x89d3a80] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 1. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
2023/09/16 14:20:28.338721 [HLS] Probed live stream in 812.797614ms: h264 1280x720 progressive 2233290bps
2023/09/16 14:20:33.515706 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6199-dANY-ip192.168.88.185 (out=12.053333s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=2)
2023/09/16 14:20:33.517974 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6199 BTN
2023/09/16 14:20:33.521454 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6199 BTN: buf=0% drop=0%
I seem to have lost FS1, FS2, BTN too! Hulu Live here.
says: no login form found
That's what I'm getting in Channels DVR
Are you seeing the same thing at their website, or is it just me?
Didn't check before, but I'm getting no login form found for FS1 and FS2 also.
Error screenshot looks the same as what I see after linking my provider at foxsports. It keeps going back to select your provider.
Submitted logs again as 6fce7f03-c964-44a6-9513-6938e7da2c07
I'm getting the same issue here.
Hoping they will figure out something.
Just for grins, I tried it with the MS EDGE browser from my cellphone over home wifi and see that same issue at foxsports website where it goes back to select your provider after I authenticate. And same behavior after I authenticate and select WATCH, the videos for Fox, FS1, FS2 and BTN all Display the same 403 error.
So it appears to have nothing to do with what you're running Channels DVR on, but the foxsport website.
Thanks for the update.
Hope it gets squared away.
Getting the same issue on Xfinity with BTN and FSN: [TVE] Channel scan BTN failed: Cable provider authentication failed
FS1, FS2, BTN and Fox Deportes back to working for me on the foxsports website and in Channels DVR
Did a rescan. Channels are back and working!
I had to remove my YOUTUBE TV source and put it back.
Got big 10 and the other fox stuff previously missing.
I have to be teady for baseball finals etc.
Having the same issue with BTN, FS1, and FS2. Getting a "no login form found error" for all of them.
I can browse to FOX Sports Live - Watch Live Sports, Shows, and Events Online | FOX Sports and log in using my Spectrum credentials.
I have tried rescanning and even removing/re-adding my Spectrum source but the problem still remains.
Logs submitted and email sent to support. Any other thoughts/ideas?