Blackouts & Lost Connection

yeah I just noticed that and have turned tuner sharing back on. What is interesting is that I have not actually tuned into channel 2. I cn in the DVR that it saying activity "Watching ch2 from (Remux Finished): strength=83% quality=94% symbol=100% rate=5.7Mb/sec". I have restarted the tuner and both apple tvs and still getting this?

I restarted the DVR and it seemed to release channel 2. Then I have selected a channel on an apple tv and that was fine. I then started to watch a channel on an iphone and as soon as I did that I got the connection lost issues again. I have submitted an updated diagnostic log if that helps

Ok, i tried the HDHR app on the same device and iphone and it does a similar thing. It crashes if I try to watch two channels at once.

I have updated the firmware on the Hdhomeruns

I would enable the diagnostics checkbox on the HDHR web UI and contact [email protected]

@tmm1 just a quick update in case it helps anyone else. [email protected] helped to diagnose the issue. It seems that my power supply was failing and causing the tuner to not stay connected. I have replaced it with an older power supply and so far has resolved the blackouts and lost connections.


Outstanding, Wazza1. I'm having the same issue. Thank you for this post.