Cable provider authentication failed for EVERYTHING on TVE

i've got three TVE providers in my, directv stream, and philo. philo still seems to be working, but literally EVERY CHANNEL on both xfinity and DTVS are giving me a "cable provider authentication failed" message. this started (as far as i can tell) two or three days ago. i updated to the latest pre-release, and still having the same issue.

any ideas?

edit: i just removed DTVS and re-added, and it seems to be re-adding the channels now. will update after it finishes to see if this works...but even if it does, the question becomes: why did this happen?

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Just a guess here, but I wouldn't be surprised if Channels logs into TVE using your username/password when you add a TVE source and stores some kind of "token". Thereafter, when you "tune" a TVE channel it doesn't login with your username/password again, but rather uses the previously stored token. Eventually, those tokens expire and you have go back to logging in with username/password to get a new token (which is what removing/re-adding source does for you).

that would make sense, except that this is the first time i've ever seen this happen and i've been using channels for literally it doesn't seem like this is something that is supposed to happen.

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Im having the same issue with channels on directv and also directv stream redirects me entirely when trying to login.

remove and re-add seems to have worked, at least for directv stream. haven't tried xfinity yet.

Thats just it im trying to add a directv stream login. It gives me an error saying theres no internet with a cable authentication login error on the top. Thats despite being on internet.

You would need to check the logs to see exactly what happened. You can also check the tve error screenshot if that is mentioned in the logs.

there's nothing in the logs to indicate what happened, that was the first thing i checked. all i got was constant timeouts followed by the error in the thread title when i tried to rescan individual channels.

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