Cannot access DVR server from iOS app behind Traefik reverse proxy and VPN, but can from the Web UI at the subdomain where the DVR server is

I cannot access to Channels DVR Server from the iOS app away from home although I can access it from the web UI.

I use a Traefik reverse proxy and a VPN, so I actually connect remotely to the VPN with a dvr.XXX.XXX subdomain and the VPN forwards my request to the Channels DVR server on port 8089.

When I visit dvr.XXX.XXX in Safari, I can access the web UI without problem.
However, on the iPhone app, when I try to connect to the server away from home, I get the message "Your Channels DVR Server at home can not be reached. Remote Access is enabled, but we can not reach your server. Please ensure that port 8089 has been properly forwarded from your router to the IP address of the computer you installed Channels DVR Server on"
In the Web UI, I can see under Settings that Bonjour is advertising dvr-XXX.local. via 1 network: [172.X.X.X] which is the private address of the VPN on my network, not a public IP.
I suppose also points to this private address, unreachable from outside my network, which is why I cannot connect on the iPhone/iPad app.
Is it possible to have point directly to the public address dvr.XXX.XXX so I can access the Channels DVR server from the iOS app remotely like I do in Safari ?

note: based on other posts, in order to force authentication despite the reverse proxy, I added the following header
traefik.frontend.headers.customRequestHeaders: "X-DVR-ForceAuth:true"

If you're using a VPN then you can select At Home and enter the IP of your DVR directly.

The away from home feature in the app only works with our ddns assigned to your account.

Is it possible to assign the subdomain to the ddns so I can access the server remotely on the app away from home like I can on the web ?

No. But if you control your dns server, you can return the internal vpn IP for and the app should be able to connect

Ok, I’m not familiar with DNS settings. Do you mean I should edit /etc/hosts on the server and add
yyy.yyy.yyy (local IP) ?
Thanks for tour help.

You would have to setup a dns server, configure your vpn to advertise that dns server, then configure the dns server to return a custom IP override for your domain.