Can't Add Hulu Live to sources

Tried updating password again, and then logged in to HULU app on Shield TV box.
After that, I attempted rescanning channels individually. I now receive emails with codes. However, there is no prompt on the CDVR interface to enter the code. Eventually I receive "mtvn cAccess Token: cable provider authentication failed" for the channel.

I was having same issue - went to prerelease and hulu/tve works again

@jabeirne Glad to hear that you got it working for you! :slightly_smiling_face:
Sure wish that was the case for me... Some of my Hulu TVE channels are working. But, most are not. :cry:

Is there any chance that you have a backup you could restore from when you had the full Hulu channel list and not much else had changed that you’d loose?


I hadn't thought of that, Jim. I'll take a look this morning. Thanks for the suggestion!
Do you know what happens to more recent recordings if I restore to an earlier point in time. I did have a few programs recorded from a different source yesterday... :thinking:

I wouldn't recommend restoring an older backup.

You'll lose any setting changes you did since that backup, including new/changed passes and channel lineup changes.

Channels will not know about any recordings you made since the backup and you'll have to move them to local content imports.

It will also revert back to whatever your username and password was at the time of the backup for all TVE sources.

That makes sense. Since yesterday morning, I have made a handful of changes, and recorded a few programs. It's not much to lose. However, I can't remember everything. I know that the developers have been working on resolving the Hulu 2fa problem. It seems that I probably should wait for a solution. In the meantime, I still have access to the missing TVE channels through the Hulu app. (ugh...)

@eric do you think there is any hope for getting hulu TVE back up and running? Not trying to rush or put pressure on you. I definitely understand that this is beta and is a game of cat and mouse. I'm just trying to decide if I am going to drop hulu and go over to YoutubeTV if the outlook doesn't look too promising...
Thanks for all of your help with this :slight_smile:

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FYI, Direct TV stream is running deals today and tomorrow for national stream day. Supposedly they found deeplinks that might work in adbtuner now too.

$49.99/mo + tax for the first 3 months then back to the regular price of $79.99/mo + tax.

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So, an interesting thing happened this morning. I updated the server to beta v2024.05.20.1236. Upon restarting, I received 2fa passcode emails from Hulu. There's no way to enter the code while the system is starting up. I have never seen that happen before.
Perhaps they will want 2fa for any little change?
Logs have been submitted: 954c49dd-ecd9-4ec6-a2ad-7c7df85e2472

We did, but compatibility mode is required for ADBTuner. I've been using the deeplinks for about a week now with ah4c, and am feeling very good about the custom scripts for what I'm calling SPEED_MODE.

Capturing the deeplinks is a bit of an advanced skill, though probably anybody who's motivated can get it done. That's required no matter which project you're using.

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Is that with your fire stick setup or are you using the Ospry boxes others are using?

FireStick 4K Max's with a 4-port URayCoder 4K. So far the only M3U that's been completed is for the Phoenix area with a sat sub.


I just switched to YouTube TV and TVE works great! I did have to setup a family account and share my service with that new email to get around the 2 factor. Also I had to rescan a couple of channels that failed.

Then I tested with ADBTuner using ONN devices with my LinkPi. OMG the speed of tuning and picture quality is 1000% better. I cannot tell a difference now between TVE and my LinkPi setup. When Hulu TVE started failing the only reason I knew is because the picture quality of all channels started sucking. Then I realized Channels failed over to my ADBTuner Hulu channels.

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Hey Seth, I appreciate your update, and am intrigued. I'm not quite ready to dump Hulu yet.
However, are you saying that YouTube TV does have 2 factor authentication for the primary member? But, with a YouTube TV managed family group, the other family members are not required to use 2 factor authentication? Hmmm.... :thinking:

YTTV and Hulu both have 2FA authentication.
I had to drop YTTV due to lack of baseball stuff and no TVE that I could use on my Synology.
Moved to Fubo and I'm getting what is needed and TVE works.
No 2FA.

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Yep that is correct. I just used user name and password (i created a seperate gmail account for just channels tve though)
Also the picture quality with YTTV compared to Hulu is like standard def vs HD. Im blown away...

There isn't anything we'll be able to do about the bad password situation. The 2fa situation, we maybe will be able to figure out how to get it inputted properly, but I haven't seen a situation before now that didn't work the way we tried to do it.


I sure am hoping for a way to get our Hulu Live working with Channels again and really appreciate all of the hard work you developers do and the support you offer for your users. We just jumped ship from Spectrum less than 2 months ago and Hulu/Disney fits our household well.
It looks like 2fa is the way streaming tv (and just about everything else) is headed.

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