Can't connect from outside my network, nothing changed

Nothing changed at my house, been working great for like 2 years. Suddenly I can't connect from outside my network. Ports are correct, firewalls, ip's, etc... literally nothing changed on my end, what I can see is that my URL seems to have changed.
It used to be:
...and now I can't get to that, but have to use this....
http://dvr-MYSERVERNAME.local:8089's almost as though I don't have an account yet I'm paid in full... ?

...and if I try to use

that just times out trying to get to the first one...

Does show 8089 as open?

Could be this temporary issue, that seems resolved now.

I reported this hosed hours ago. Multiple attempts to connect will get a page saying oops, something went wrong and was reported.
One concern for me was that it could be fixed by a restart of my server, but if others have the same problem, something big broke.
Why do they make changes at the beginning of weekends and holidays? For maximum damage? Hmm.

Ports are open, this forum isn't loading 1/2 the time, other times I get popups that I have to resume editing? I know this isn't on my end at this point I just hope it gets resolved.

Is it working now?

Yes, now my. forwards correctly to my instance and that seemed to be the issue.

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Thank you... what was the problem, run out of space on your AOL.COM account?

Gremlins in the cloud