Change Streaming Cache Location

I would like to be able to manually choose my cache location that Channels DVR uses for Live TV, but I can't find this option. I do not want it the same as my recordings. Cache folders destroy parity integrity as they are constantly writing and erasing. I need my cache to be on a drive that is outside of my parity.

I should either be able to a) set a different cache location or b) set a different DVR location where it saves recordings to. This way I can separate recordings, which I want to be on parity backup from the volatile write/delete actions of the cache.

You should be able to symlink or mount a different volume into the DVR file hierarchy.

I get there are workarounds. My point is the option should be supported in the software. Seems like an overlook if devs think everyone would want everything stored in the same location.


Following this as im running raid 5 and wish to use my dedicated SSD for cache.

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+1 feature request.
I would love to cache on ssd and keep recordings on a hdd.

Add it to the list of other 500 feature request I ask for. But if I had, I'd probably not use most of features I ask for. But I still want the feature anyway. Lol

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I would like the ability to set the cache location. Currently, my Channels DVR is on a local drive, but all the storage (DVR Directories) including the Cache, are on my NAS. I think it would speed things up if I could set the Cache to be on a local NVme drive.

It has been a long time since this feature request was made, do I have any options to change where the Cache location is yet? Running on Windows 11 PC.