Channel Collections Automatic Channels Content Type Everything Not Working

As the title says, if I choose Everything in the content type dropdown nothing shows. Changing it to TV Shows or Sports will show certain channels. I want to create a Collection for the EPlusTV source to show in the guide, but unless I choose a specific content type nothing shows.

Please describe every field you have filled out. Or post a screenshot of it.

I excluded all sources except EPlusTV. If I choose TV Shows or Sports under Content Type, channels will show up in the guide (but not all). If I select Everything, nothing shows.

Yes, because technically you have no real filters in the list to pull IN channels. All you have is ignored sources.

You need to specify things you want with either keywords, genres, tags, or the content type.

This is working as it should.

To do this, use the manual channel picker above. Filter it to ESPlus, and using the cog menu, choose Add All.

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