Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels

Does anyone know how to go directly to a Spectrum channel? Every number I add to the end of the link, gives a message that I am not subscribed to that channel, and it defaults to the last channel.

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I'm not sure how to get these numbers, but this is what works for spectrum app:

  • disney: spectrumtv://watch.spectrum.net/livetv/85?linkorigin=sirilivetunein&idtype=network
  • tbs: spectrumtv://watch.spectrum.net/livetv/340?linkorigin=sirilivetunein&idtype=network

if there are specific channels you want I can look them up

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  • tbs: dfw://deeplink.directvnow.com/play/channel/TBSHD/ded1f9a7-a3e2-503d-7129-3e31e5257fae
  • tnt: dfw://deeplink.directvnow.com/play/channel/TNTHD/acf51074-6940-81d8-2355-c2eb610e0afc

For Fubo:

  • nfl network: fubotv://media/station/45409?referrer=apple_tv_app&action=play&content=sports

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="SPECTRUMTV" channel-number="111111" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",SPECTRUM NFL

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="NBATV" channel-number="111112" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",NBA TV

Has anyone got the NBA App opening up on tvOS? Thanks.

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  1. This is very cool stuff.
  2. Probably a big ask, but it would make sense to have a way to prevent the DVR from using these as a recording source. In some cases, these links will be the only source of the channel available, so you will get failures. Just a thought.

Sorry, one more thing:

It would make sense to have a way to enable an automatic collection for everything at a source, given this work. Going back/forth and adding to a collection when you make changes to streamlinks is a PITA.

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Is there a link for SNY? Or could that be loaded through the NBC app (as a NBC RSN)?

Would this work for MSG?

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Believe SNY split away from NBC app when they rolled their own app out.

Better chance to route it through a provider app (fubo, spectrum, etc)

This is one of the more interesting threads.
Trying to figure out where to jump back in
(Is it time to use docker) or can the above be done in webui (windows) played back iOS channels app (tv iPad iPhone)…

Is it possible a short video of it in action?
Or at least screen caps

Then finally compile step by step simple instructions to achive —- this result——(insert video or screen cap)…

If I may this seemed to work (community wise) as envisioned?
An issue, posts
more data surrounding said issue
Thoughts or ideas
Becomes a suggestion
Someone tries it (aka workaround)
Now we are this..

Well done all

Like I said one of the more interesting threads you can watch the evolution happen..

Thank you all

There are screenshots in the first post.

well as Homer would say DOH! thanks and sorry about not going all the way back... :crazy_face:

Try gametime://

MSG doesn't have an app on Apple TV

Would it be possible to eventually update the first post with all known/working stream links for Apple TV? I tried unsuccessfully to create a few on my own.

Worked great! Thanks.

Thank you, how about the SNY app?



Here's what I've assembled so far. I'm using Stream Links to launch each network's app individually, whenever possible, as opposed to just the one NBC app, used and reused for all of them.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nbc" tvg-chno="6000" tvc-guide-stationid="10991",NBC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="msnbc" tvg-chno="6050" tvc-guide-stationid="64241",MSNBC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nbc-news" tvc-guide-stationid="114174",NBC News Now

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="cnbc" tvg-chno="6051" tvc-guide-stationid="58780",CNBC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="usa" tvg-chno="6052" tvc-guide-stationid="58452",USA

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="syfy" tvg-chno="6054" tvc-guide-stationid="58623",SyFy

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="e!" tvg-chno="6056" tvc-guide-stationid="61812",E!

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="bravo" tvg-chno="6058" tvc-guide-stationid="58625",Bravo

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="oxygen" tvg-chno="6060" tvc-guide-stationid="70522",Oxygen

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="golf" tvg-chno="6159" tvc-guide-stationid="61854",Golf

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nfl" channel-number="6192" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",NFL

• I'm testing and using these all on tvOS only.
• Make sure you install every one of the apps ahead of time! Log them in with your provider and make sure they play, first. Hide all of them in a folder on your home screen if you prefer.
• Golf Network is not in the App Store, so it's launching NBC instead
• I included NBC News Now as well, but most of us can already integrate that channel more elegantly with Channels DVR via Samsung TV+, Pluto, Stirr, etc.

As noted above, if you prefer to deeplink to other apps, these are the known working ones so far:


Should be oxygentve:// and eonlinetve://

Those work, thanks. I could have sworn I'd tried oxygentve! Seems so obvious. I would not have guessed eonlinetve, though :slight_smile: I'll edit my post above.

Ive noticed some strange guide behavior with the NFL network guide ever since switching over to the apple tv nfl network streamlink.

I reindexed the whole database, but its getting info from a different channel.

Later in the guide it does pick up correct program data , then incorrect data.

Anyone else seeing this?